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How to Reach More People on Facebook | Boost Your Reach

Wondering how to reach more people on Facebook? Find out some of the best ways to increase your reach on Facebook here, from contests to marketing campaigns.

How to Reach More People on Facebook

Having a strong presence on Facebook is important for any brand or business. But how do you reach more people on Facebook to create—and maintain—your presence? From finding your voice on social media to determining the best times to post content, there are many ways to increase your Facebook reach. We’ve listed a few ideas for you to consider below.

Ways to Increase Your Reach on Facebook

An authentic voice for your brand or business will set you apart from the crowd and keep your fanbase interested. Once you have your voice down, you can begin to write unique content and reach new followers.

  • Determine your audience

First and foremost, it’s critical that you accurately determine your target audience. Consider the age bracket, location, interests, lifestyle, and gender of your followers. Do you serve millennial females in your local community, or men and women over 60 across the U.S.? Once you know your audience, be sure to target your posts toward them.

  • Create a strong brand image

An engaging and robust brand image is another important factor in boosting your reach on Facebook. The more relevant and appealing your brand seems, the more likely your reach will increase.

  • Devise a campaign method

There are a few coordinated ways to boost your brand or business’s reach, such as paid campaigns and strategic organic posts. If you don’t wish to use paid advertisements, you can schedule organic content that targets people who fit the demographics of your choice. Additionally, you can get more people to “like” your page by inviting those who follow your personal account, or other social media accounts.

  • Determine the best time to post content

According to the experts at CoSchedule, the best times to post on Facebook (in order) are 1 PM, 3 PM, and 9 AM. Thursdays and Fridays see 18% more engagement, while Saturdays and Sundays see 32% more engagement.

  • Determine how often to post content

According to Neil Patel, the rule of thumb when it comes to post frequency is between 1 and 3 posts per day. Keep in mind that there’s no universal rule for how often to post on Facebook, as there are many factors that influence audience engagement. While news sites may post dozens of times per day as stories break, posting this frequently isn’t realistic for average brands. Followers may get overwhelmed or irritated with such an influx of posts.

  • Post quality content

Posting relevant, appealing, and useful content is part of increasing and maintaining your Facebook reach. Think inspirational or educational graphics, professional-looking and well-edited videos, and interesting posts about a new product or service.

  • Conduct a contest

One of the best ways to reach more people on Facebook is through contests. With an appealing prize and strategic promotion, contests reach beyond your existing fanbase into the unreached public. Requiring people to “like” and “share” a certain post in order to win is one of the best ways to boost your reach and increase your followers’ excitement about your brand, products, or services.

From running contests to conducting targeted organic posts, there are a myriad of ways to increase your Facebook reach. Whether you’re opening a local coffee shop or refreshing your company’s social media approach, we hope you’ll find our tips and tricks helpful.

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Written by Nathaniel Fried

Co-founder of Fupping. Busy churning out content and building an empire.

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