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New Year Resolutions That’ll Transform Your Life Forever

Many people think New Year’s resolutions are tacky or a waste of time.

This is because many people make them out of force of habit or tradition – not because they put meaningful effort into them.

New resolutions that are made with intention have the potential to change your life completely. Your resolution can be regarding personal relationships, mental health, physical health, career or even something as simple as caring for your hair!

Let us take a look at some New Year resolutions that can transform your life forever.

Think of Your Health First

With the new year approaching, you need to start making better decisions for your body and this includes what you feed it as well.

Make it a point to stop reaching for the chips. Reach out for some fruits, veggies and whole-grain foods instead!

Also, It is finally time to get off the couch and start moving your body! Working out or engaging in any physical activity will do wonders for your mind and help improve your overall mental health.

So decide to kick off the new year with some sweat!

Get Out And Explore

The new year is the perfect opportunity to make those bucket-list trips come to life!

You don’t have to travel to another continent or country right away. Start with something small like a trip to another town or city.

Explore new places and visit local spots to learn more about the place.

Slowly you can make your way towards new states and countries!

Make it a point to keep some savings aside every month purely for traveling. It will make everything financially smoother in the long run.

Get Clean

On a more serious note, this is the New Year resolution that will actually turn your life around for good.

Whether it is alcohol or drugs, addiction gradually robs you of everything that life has to offer.

It is never too late to start seeking treatment. Making a conscious decision to start getting clean is the best thing you can do for yourself – something you will never regret.

You can start by asking for help from friends and family.

Do some research on the best drug treatment or rehab centers in your area and review their programs to check whether they would be a fit for you. If you think a change in environment will help you, try to choose a good inpatient drug treatment center in your city.-

Reduce Your Screen Time

Today a person spends an average of more than six hours every day looking at some kind of screen.

Unless you have to actually look at a screen for your job, a six-hour screen time is nowhere near healthy. Make it a point to cut down your screen time.

You can start with one hour and then gradually work your way up.

Soon enough you will have fewer headaches, and more energy and even your eyes will start feeling a lot better!

Practice Sustainability

Stop buying things that you don’t need or have to discard after one or two uses. With the current state, there is a huge need for sustainability. Resolve to start shopping sustainably whether it comes to clothes or food. You will also have less waste to discard and manage.

Spend More Time With Your Loved Ones

You will never get back the time you spend with your loved ones. If you have been distant from your family lately, use the new year to make a fresh start with them. Family is the most important thing in the world so make it a priority to spend time together.


These are just a few resolutions that can work well for anyone. But of course, your personal goals and drives may warrant for other more serious ones.

It is easy to lose sight of your resolutions especially when the first month gets over! You can write your New Year resolutions down in your journal or even tell someone who will remind you of them. This will help you stay on track and make sure you are sticking to them.

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