Repurpose Furniture and Find Special Hiding Places (2/4)

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Repurpose furniture and find special hiding places. You might not want to go full tiny house, where they store things in the rafters and floorboards, but the concept is a good one. Look for unused, out of the way spaces such as under sofas, chairs and, of course, the bed. Using plastic containers and storage bags, you can easily store many things that you may not need on a daily basis. If you have a desk, cabinet, or hutch that is mainly for decoration, don’t forget to use those drawers and enclosed shelving for storage. An armoire is a really nice piece of furniture to own and it serves as a really nice closet as well.

Furniture is usually the biggest space problem. After all, what can you do to decrease the size of a couch? When organizing around furniture start by looking for smart ways to lay your pieces out within the room. Try not to close off the room with your furniture, as it can make a small room feel even smaller. If you are looking for new furniture pieces focus on those that have multiple uses or are adaptable. Adjustable module couches like Burrow are a great way to conserve space, but still maintain a nice level of comfort as well. Check out more tips and the best furniture for small spaces at Modern Castle.

Contributor: Marty Basher

Company: Modular Closets

Written by Hassan

I am the cofounder of Fupping which was created as a platform in which users can publish high quality content on products and services. This will in turn generate income for the user and also provide in depth reviews, detailed comparisons and tremendous gift ideas for everyone else.

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