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Explore The Economic Powerhouses Of The World

Known for being the hub and global cities of the world, cities and locations right across the globe have risen and fallen over the last six hundred years or so, growing and shrinking as events and circumstances unfold around them. Influence and power radiate from these cities, yielding some of biggest and bravest transactions known to man every single day. Billions of pounds are gambled on stocks and shares through the massive stock exchanges set up in the heart of these cities and, for some, it’s their only way of ensuring they stay relevant on the map.

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#1 Venice

Truly the first example of a real multinational trading hub, Venice established itself as one of the biggest and most prosperous Italian states right from the sixth century, all the way to the sixteenth. Its famous canals bringing in the world's most ambitious tradesmen from around the globe, Venice's prosperity ensured that it would remain a key player in the international politics of the day. With one of the strongest navies ever seen, it was a bustling hive of activity and trading.Β 

#2 Amsterdam

Owning the right to call it the biggest and most important city in the world for over a century, the Dutch golden age in the 1600s brought along new and revolutionary ideas towards what really made a financial capital. Establishing the very first central bank in the Bank of Amsterdam in 1608, the city introduced the world to the concept of bank money, providing one of the best and most reliable sources of income for national and international trading. Many of the Dutch models set up during their dominance on the world stage would come to be copied by the likes of Sweden, France and the United Kingdom later on.Β 

#3 Paris

The cultural capital of the world, Paris is seen by many as one of the leading cities in the whole European sector. Once possessing an empire that was the second largest of all time, its links and influences still spread out across the globe to this day.Β 

#4 London

Once possessing the biggest empire of all time, London has established itself as one of the leading financial capitals of the world since the mid 1700s. Profiting from its place inbetween the Asia and US timezones, London also makes top use of its connection with its European counterparts. As a global city, it is consistently ranked amongst the top three in the world during the present day.Β 

#5 New York

For years the undisputed heavyweight city of the world, New York boasts the two biggest stock exchanges still operational today, along with the most famous marketing street across the globe in Wall Street. The symbol of freedom, liberty and self-made millions, it is the hub of the American Dream and attracts millions upon millions of tourists every year.Β 

#6 Hong Kong

One of the most densely populated areas on the planet, Hong Kong has established itself as one of the key trading ports in the entire world. With a rapid growth starting sometime in the 1960s, Hong Kong features more skyscrapers in a single location than anywhere else in the world, with a financial sector that is quickly becoming more and more influential.Β 

#7 Tokyo

A symbol of resistance to the Western-dominated politics and economies of the world, Tokyo's revolutionary economic and social growth has consistently made it stand out as one of the global cities in the world. With a technological hub that rivals any other centre around the globe, its position as a powerhouse will only grow as the years pass on.Β 

#8 Dubai

The hub of the Muslim world, Dubai's staggeringly quick growth is down to the discovering oil in the 1960s, coupled with smart real estate movements and tourism. Their hyper-contemporary city boasts the biggest buildings in the world, attracting more attention from the world around it.

#9 Toronto

Easily one of the most multicultural and diverse global cities in the world, Toronto boasts some of the impressive skyscrapers anywhere in the world, with the CN Tower being labelled the tallest free standing building in the entire Western Hemisphere.Β 

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Written by James Metcalfe

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