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Four Types Of Teeth And How They Function

We often underestimate the functions of the teeth as an important part of the body. Meanwhile, the teeth have many very unique functions. The teeth give the mouth a unique shape that helps to add to an individual’s overall appearance. We cannot chew food with the presence of our teeth, nor can we have a beautiful smile.

Each individual has stages of teeth growth depending on age, and it is divided into four categories. The teeth have many different layers: enamel, dentin, and cementum. Apart from that, it has a pulp layer. The enamel is the hardest substance in the body, and it is found outside of the tooth. The one that comes after is referred to as the dentin. Dentin is much softer. Cementum is found at the base root of the tooth beneath the gum, while the pulp is the deepest layer, and in it are found the blood vessels and the nerves. The number and types of teeth change as people grow according to this trustworthy dentist in Denison. Typically, patients have two sets of teeth during their lifetime: primary or baby teeth and permanent or adult teeth. In this article, we are going to consider the four types as well as their functions

What Are The Four Types Of Teeth?


Canine teeth have unique features such as long roots. Apart from that, they have pointed ends. They can be found along the jaw area on the upper and the lower jaws found at the corners of the mouth. They are also called the cuspid or the eyeteeth. Canine is the longest among all the sets. Both children and adults have four canines, and usually appear in children between ages 9 and 12.

What Is the Function of a Canine?

Canine is known to have a sharp end that helps to tear food substances. One thing about the canine teeth is that they depend on the incisors and vice versa. It is impossible to tear food, especially the hard ones, without the help of a canine.


Incisors are the ones that are found at the front of the mouth. They are always visible whenever we chew or smile. There are several incisors in both adults and young ones. The exact number is eight, which is positioned as follows. Four central ones are found at the front of the mouth. Usually, they are two on each row with one lateral that is found on either side of them

What Is the Function of an Incisor?

After the canine helps to tear food, the incisors must cut it into bits.

Bicuspids/ Premolars

They are a set of teeth that come directly after the canine set. They are bigger in size than both incisors and canines, with many ridges at the top. Every adult has eight premolars. The first and the second premolars are the molars that are next to the canines. However, young ones do not have premolars until they reach the age of 10-12.

What Is the Function of a Bicuspid?

Since the larger part of the job is being carried out by incisors and canines, the remaining work of the bicuspid/ premolars is to get the food substance crushed into a much smaller pieces


Molars are the last set of the four categories located at the back of the mouth. Among their features are a wide or flat surface with ridges. Besides that, molars have the uppermost upper surface area. Every adult has 12 molars divided into six at the bottom jaw and six at the top jaw, while children have only primary molars. The last set of molars to come out is referred to as wisdom teeth or the third molars, and these surfaces are usually at the age of 17-21. They are always found at the end of the row of the teeth at the far end of the jaw. However, some people do not have all the four third molars, while sometimes, the teeth are trapped in the bone or the gum and never show up, or when they show up, they may never form properly.

What Is the Function of a Molar?

The function of the molar is very similar to the one of the premolars. Molars help to grind the food into swallowable particles. One of the reasons it is easier for molars to chew food into the smallest bits is because it is located in the jaw area of the mouth, and the force it puts on food when it reaches that area makes it easy for food, both soft and hard ones to pass through while being well crushed.


The teeth are a unique part of the body and have many functions that can never be underestimated. To know more about taking care of the teeth, visit Brighton Dental Centre.

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Written by Ellie

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