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7 Hope-Filled Books To Survive Depression

Win the battle against the darkest moods that assault your mind.

ā€œThe black dogā€ Churchill called it. That dark cloud that comes and rains on your parade, ruins your mood, creeps into you and makes you feel quite miserable for reasons you yourself donā€™t quite understand.

Depression is real, yet not invincible, to conquer it allows you to see the sunshine on your life once again and these books will help you in your fight against it.

#1Ā Reasons to Stay Alive by Matt Haig


Reasons to Stay Alive by Matt Haig
Reasons to Stay Alive by Matt Haig

Book recommendation byĀ Caleb Backe fromĀ Maple Holistics

No one is immune to the effects of mental illness, and specifically depression. Whether you suffer from it personally or have a loved one who does, the impacts of mental health are far-reaching. In this book, Matt Haig opens up about his depression, the process of trying to manage it, and his efforts to get to a point where he could appreciate life.

Haig talks about what helped him get to a better place, including writing, reading, and leaning on the supports in his life. His openness, humor and overall ability to relate to readers makes this book a perfect read for anyone who wants to have a better understanding of peopleā€™s experiences with depression.

Before buying a book make sure to compare price and outlet, we have included links below to several large book outlets for different regions in the world:

Read more reviews and buy the book here (Amazon)

Search for the audiobook here (Audible)

#2Ā This Is My Storyā€¦Is This Your Story? by Dr. Gilbert G. Campbell, Jr.


This Is My Story...Is This Your Story? by Dr. Gilbert G. Campbell, Jr.
This Is My Storyā€¦Is This Your Story? by Dr. Gilbert G. Campbell, Jr.

Book recommendation byĀ Cynthia MacGregor, Editorial Operations Executive, AcuteByDesgn fromĀ AcuteByDesign website

Dr. Campbellā€™s compelling story of his own bouts with depression and suicidal ideation will resonate with anyone who has struggled in a similar battle. Read along as he fights his way out of the depths of depression and be inspired that this could be your path to happiness as well.

Before buying a book make sure to compare price and outlet, we have included links below to several large book outlets for different regions in the world:

Read more reviews and buy the book here (Amazon)

Search for the audiobook here (Audible)

#3Ā Furiously Happy: A Funny Book About Horrible Things by Jenny Lawson


Furiously Happy: A Funny Book About Horrible Things by Jenny Lawson
Furiously Happy: A Funny Book About Horrible Things by Jenny Lawson

Book recommendation byĀ Sonia Bell fromĀ SmartPillWiki

Jenny Lawson is not just a blogger and writer who has received an unbelievable amount of rewards for his creativity, but also an ordinary person who struggles with a difficult illness all her life. This book is her amazing perception of her own life, in which, as well as in ours, there are both positive and sad moments.

With striking ease, self-arrogance and a small spark of craziness, she describes whatā€™s happening to her and her family as if they were all the characters of comedy films. The stories told in the book not only made incredibly happy thousands of people all over the world, but even saved a few lives, and I am completely sure that they will bring joy to your life, showing that you can live bright life!

Before buying a book make sure to compare price and outlet, we have included links below to several large book outlets for different regions in the world:

Read more reviews and buy the book here (Amazon)

Search for the audiobook here (Audible)

#4Ā TELL OTHERS by Marjorie Struck


TELL OTHERS by Marjorie Struck
TELL OTHERS by Marjorie Struck

Book recommendation byĀ Francine Bray fromĀ Golden Quill Press

Marjorie Struck has seen 10+family suicides from depression and now she takes the skeletons out of the closet and goes back to the beginning and gives the reader a front row seat to what drives a person to take their own life. She explores the world of depression, alcohol and drug addictions and the inevitable road that leads to suicide. But this story also exhibits new hope.

Struck shows that it doesnā€™t have to end in deathā€¦there are real reasons and choices, that can change the outcome, but it must start with understanding that this is a disease, just like cancer, or heart disease or diabetes. There is also new information that a gene that is missing in the brain may be one cause. A person who can get no enjoyment out of anything will eventually turn to all paths that lead to the only conclusion possibleā€¦suicide! This gene had been shown to be passed down from generation to generation.

The only way to battle this killer is to face it head on! Admit this is a disease, take our heads out of the sand and see there is a medical cause and then get help to combat its effects. The best way to defeat this awful murderous disease is with knowledge and understanding. Marjorie Struck courageously took the first step, will you be willing to join herā€¦until the day when this disease will be eradicated?

Before buying a book make sure to compare price and outlet, we have included links below to several large book outlets for different regions in the world:

Read more reviews and buy the book here (Amazon)

Search for the audiobook here (Audible)

#5Ā Feeling Good by David Burns, M.D.


Feeling Good by David Burns, M.D.
Feeling Good by David Burns, M.D.

Book recommendation byĀ Tracy Cooper, LPC fromĀ Fit Therapy of Texas

This book by Dr. David Burns, M.D. provides information to gain awareness of oneā€™s mood, ways to manage oneā€™s emotions and tangible skills to use to improve oneā€™s thoughts, feelings and behaviors.

Before buying a book make sure to compare price and outlet, we have included links below to several large book outlets for different regions in the world:

Read more reviews and buy the book here (Amazon)

Search for the audiobook here (Audible)

#6Ā The Voice Within: Breaking the Silence of Depression and Addiction by Alesia Johnson Sargent


The Voice Within: Breaking the Silence of Depression and Addiction by Alesia Johnson Sargent
The Voice Within: Breaking the Silence of Depression and Addiction by Alesia Johnson Sargent

Book recommendation byĀ Vid Lamonteā€™ Buggs Jr fromĀ 4-U-Nique Publishing

This book by Alesia Johnson Sargent takes us through her personal struggle with depression and addiction. She challenges the reader to not judge those with mental health issues but to understand what they are going through. She also challenges those going through depression and addiction to break the silence and talk about it.

Before buying a book make sure to compare price and outlet, we have included links below to several large book outlets for different regions in the world:

Read more reviews and buy the book here (Amazon)

Search for the audiobook here (Audible)

#7Ā Recovery State of Mind by Kay Matthews


Recovery State of Mind by Kay Matthews
Recovery State of Mind by Kay Matthews

Book recommendation byĀ Kay Matthews fromĀ The Shades of Blue Project

This book was created by the Shades of Blue Project to help women who are looking for a non-traditional way to deal with depression after giving birth. It offers everyday solutions to help in the healing process daily.

Before buying a book make sure to compare price and outlet, we have included links below to several large book outlets for different regions in the world:

Read more reviews and buy the book here (Amazon)

Search for the audiobook here (Audible)

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Written by Zak Parker

Journalist, writer, musician, professional procrastinator. I'll add more here later.


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