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7 Free Books Business/Startup Owners Should Read

Running a startup business is hard, that’s why you don’t want to spend a tonne of money buying books to further your knowledge. Here are 7 FREE books that every business or startup owner should read…

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#1 The Ultimate Question 2.0 by Fred Reichheld

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This is a great book for learning how to both empower employees and learn what customers want, how to give them what they want, and how to turn them into promoters of your brand - free advertising.

Want to read more reviews of this book or buy it? Check out the links below:

Contributor:Β Sagi Gidali from SaferVPNΒ 

#2 The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey

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This book focuses on the more personal aspects of becoming a leader and building a business.Β 

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Contributor:Β Sagi Gidali from SaferVPNΒ 

#3 Thrive by Arianna Huffington

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This book satisfies the trifecta for me, as I have a degree in Management & Business, I teach yoga, and am finishing my Master's degree in Library & Information Science.Β 

Huffington's writing is pleasant to read, and she makes a strong personal and statistical case for redefining success in today's always-on world.Β 

Want to read more reviews of this book or buy it? Check out the links below:

Contributor:Β Valerie Brett Shaindlin from University of Hawaii

#4 The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli

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The Prince is a guidebook to dealing with difficult propositions and how to end up on top. The book spends time discussing the kinds of principalities and which he considerers best. A company is like a principality since it’s entirely up to the boss what kind of culture they inculcate.Β 

Want to read more reviews of this book or buy it? Check out the links below:

Contributor:Β Nate Masterson from Maple Holistics

#5 The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

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Frankin’s story is nothing short of remarkable. It’s a story of a self-made man and emphasizes hard work and self-improvement. The book is sure to give you an adrenaline shot of determination and motivation to go out there and be the best you, you can be.

Want to read more reviews of this book or buy it? Check out the links below:

Contributor:Β Nate Masterson from Maple Holistics

#6 The Complete Works of William Shakespeare

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Shakespear’s works are one f the literary pillars that holed up the values of western society. Nearly every line has a pearl of wisdom, that, if implemented would significantly improve your mindset and way of life. Such sayings as β€œnothing is good or bad, but thinking makes it so,” or β€œbrevity is the soul of wit” can be discussed for hours. The themes are also morally complex and capture a range of real-world problems that all human beings struggle with.Β 

Want to read more reviews of this book or buy it? Check out the links below:

Contributor:Β Nate Masterson from Maple Holistics

#7 Getting Out of the Dark by Vid Lamonte’ Buggs Jr.

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This book shows the reader how to invest their time instead of just spending their time. Mr. Buggs, shows us the benefits of investing your time wisely and how doing so will help build a business(es) and a life full of success, wealth and happiness.Β 

Time is the most essential element that we have, how we use it will determine the person who we will become.

Want to read more reviews of this book or buy it? Check out the links below:

Contributor:Β Lamont Sullivan from Helping Hands Home Buyers

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Written by Taegan Lion