Every creative entrepreneur should read Unlabel: Selling You Without Selling Out by Marc Ecko as this book is a mix of storytelling with strategies and tactics to grow your brand. Ecko shares how to build an authentic brand from the ground up and recover during shortfalls while maintaining the vision. In addition, Ecko provides insight on the value of relationships and multiple aspects of financial management for business growth. This book has helped me grow a personal brand by sharing impactful stories that resonates with my community by speaking to organizations or through my books and podcast.
Contributor: Michelle Ngome | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram |
Company: michellengome.com | Podcast
About: Michelle Ngome is the CEO and Founder of Line 25 Consulting, a marketing firm specializing in content and social media marketing. She is the author of Network, Navigate & Nurture and Success Undefined as well host of the Networking With Michelle Show.