
How To Plan A Stag Do For The Foodie Groom

Photo by Eaters Collective on Unsplash
Photo by Eaters Collective on Unsplash

Planning a food themed stag party for the groom-to-be can be a fun and tasty challenge if you’re up for it. Organising and planning a stag do is the responsibility of the best man and other friends of the groom. So if you’re the chosen one and your groom friend is a lover of all things delicious, then a food stag party might be the perfect idea you’re looking for.

From games to activities, here are some tips for you to plan a foodie stag party for the groom-to-be.

1. Food and Drinks

Of course if it’s a foodie party, the first tip needs to be about the food and drinks that you’re going to have at the party. You should definitely have all the favourites of the stag from his favourite restaurant. You can also ask the mother of the groom to cook some of his favourite dishes. There’s nothing like mom’s food when it comes to the taste buds of a foodie.

Have a snack bar with all his favourite snacks stacked in shot glasses which will make for a great food bar. The bar should also have all the favourite drinks of the stag and his friends.

There are some foods that taste best with a particular kind of liquor, so make sure you’ve got the right drinks to with the right food.

2. Foodie Stag Games

There are many games that you can play with the groom-to-be at his foodie stag party. You will need a range of favourite foods of the stag and a blindfold. You will then need to blindfold the stag and make him taste his favourite and least favourite foods and ask him to guess each dish. If his guess is correct, he gets to move on to the next dish, but if the guess is wrong, then make him have a shot. This game will ensure a lot of fun with food and also make a fun drinking game.

You can also play a game with the favourite childhood dishes of the stag. You may have to include the mother of the groom for this one. Ask her to cook some of the favourite dishes from the groom’s childhood and ask him to guess who cooked it?

You can also play a game of guess the missing ingredient. Prepare some dishes with few ingredients missing and ask the stag to guess the ingredient that’s missing. For every wrong answer he has to finish the entire dish and for every right answer he has to chug his drink.

This will make the stag either avoid the drink or the terribly cooked dish. Leave the choice to him.

3. Decor

For the decor of a foodie stag party, you should have everything that screams and shouts food. Have clippings of all kinds of food or have real food hanging from the roofs. It’ll make for some great bites while you guys are chilling, just raise your hands up in the air and have a snack.

4. Destinations

If your groom friend loves a particular cuisine then you can always plan a destination stag do to the country of his favourite cuisine. You can plan a stag do in Hamburg, Amsterdam, Budapest, Barcelona etc. any of the top stag do locations that are also the favourite cuisine of the stag.


Planning a foodie stag do is definitely one of the most unique ideas that’s going to go down in the history of epic stag dos. It’s definitely going to be delicious and will be a totally unexpected surprise for the groom-to-be.

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Written by Nathaniel Fried

Co-founder of Fupping. Busy churning out content and building an empire.

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