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Letā€™s Go: 26 Priceless Tips For Travelling On Your Gap Year

So you are going to take a gap year, here are some tips from travel experts on how to make yourĀ travels the trip of a lifetime.

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#1 Research your destination

Start with the Five Cā€™s... country, city, culture, climate, and crime. focus on risk mitigation toĀ avoid disasters and manage emergencies. Check out the latest safety alertĀ information from the US Department of State at Travel State Gov.

Contributor:Ā Carrie Pasquarello from

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    • Thanks for leaving a comment. Nothing better than exploring the world with great risk mitigation tips. Happy travels!

#2 Always have phone numbers and your accommodation details written

Grab a hotel business card when walkingĀ out of the hotel and put it in your pocket. We find many travelers recordĀ their important information on their phone or laptop, which if stolen, theĀ information may be difficult to locate and or replace. We suggest thatĀ travelers save vital information to their email, in an emergency they canĀ log on to a computer to retrieve emergency numbers, itineraries, and otherĀ important information.

Contributor:Ā Carrie Pasquarello fromĀ

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  1. This is so important. When I was in Italy I forgot where my hotel was located, and I didnā€™t know the name of the place to tell my taxi driver. It happened twice! I finally started carrying the hotelā€™s business card with me!

#3 Keep your passport and money safe in a money belt

CriminalĀ organizations and thieves prey on tourist and are well known for theirĀ expert pickpocket techniques. Most often travelers donā€™t even know whenĀ they have been pickpocketed. Travelers should be aware passports can be aĀ high-ticket item for thieves. Keeping a credit card and passport in a moneyĀ belt under clothing will make it more difficult for the criminal to stealĀ your documents and money.

Contributor:Ā Carrie Pasquarello from

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#4 Substance abuse and heavy drinking have led to many emergencies, including higher rates of sexual assault, robberies, injuries, and death.

CriminalsĀ focus on easy targets. If you look like a tourist, you are a target and ifĀ you are a drunk tourist you are a great target. In addition, criminals haveĀ slipped drugs into the drinks of unsuspecting tourist to facilitate crimes.Ā For more information and ideas on how to protect yourself, look at this greatĀ article from theĀ DEAĀ USĀ Department of Justice.Ā 

Contributor:Ā Carrie Pasquarello fromĀ

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#5 Be prepared for emergencies with a plan in place, including phone numbers of who you can talk with and know where you can get help

Learn theĀ emergency phone numbers for the country you are visiting. Check and see where the nearest hospital and U.S. Embassy isĀ located. Having a plan in place can lessen the trauma experienced byĀ unforeseen emergencies. Stay in groups and remember night time travelĀ increases your chance of encountering crime. Statistics show higher ratesĀ of crime happen in the evening hours.

Contributor:Ā Carrie Pasquarello fromĀ

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#6 Prevent dehydration, sunburns and bug bites

As your body changes toĀ the different climates, it is important to stay hydrated. Prevent sunburnsĀ and sun poisoning by limiting exposure and use sunscreen with adequateĀ protection against both UVA and UVB rays. The summer months bring anĀ increased risk from mosquito-borne and tick-borne illnesses.Ā 

Depending onĀ the destination, risks may come from Zika, Dengue, and Tick-BorneĀ Encephalitis to name a few. To reduce this risk, the traveler can use aĀ repellent containing DEET or a similar chemical deterrent. In addition,Ā make sure vaccinations are up-to-date and have an understanding of medicalĀ issues and environmental concerns regarding the country to be visited.

Contributor:Ā Carrie Pasquarello fromĀ

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#8 Remain flexible

While having a high-level plan of the areas that you plan to visit isĀ helpful, to get the most out of your gap year traveling, try to stay asĀ flexible as possible.Ā 

Book critical things like flights andĀ other expensiveĀ options that could sell-out in advance, but keep your optionsĀ open in termsĀ of lodging. Locals and other people you meet along the way will offer upĀ experiences that you would have never thought of, and it's often theseĀ recommendations that will lead to a unique and memorable gap yearĀ experience.

Contributor:Ā Brian and Alyssa (Who are two American travel bloggers currently taking aĀ sabbatical to travel the world for a year). Follow their travel blog at

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#9 Establish a budget

In addition to giving you an idea of what you will be able to afford,Ā having a rough budget for your gap year allows you to monitor and adjustĀ throughout the year. You don't need an in-depth budget for every day, butĀ try and establish monthly targets in key areas such as food, lodging,Ā transportation, insurance (if required), and of course,Ā entertainment.Ā 

YouĀ canā€™t optimize what you donā€™t measure, so tracking your budgetĀ will ensureĀ that you are getting the most out of your gap year.

Contributor:Ā Brian and Alyssa (Who are two American travel bloggers currently taking a sabbatical to travel the world for a year). Follow their travel blog atĀ and follow their year-long budget here.

#10 Outline your goals

If youā€™ve already decided on taking a gap year, this means that thereĀ are likely certain experiences and goals for the year that you have inĀ mind. Whether it is learning a new language, pursuing a creativeĀ hobby, orĀ meeting new people, write some of your goals down for the gap year beforeĀ you depart on your journey.Ā 

This will help you to focus onĀ experiences andĀ locations that support those goals, and will ensure that youĀ come back in aĀ year having succeeded in what you set out to do.

Contributor:Ā Brian and Alyssa from

#11 Enjoy the experience

Be present and enjoy every moment of your travels. More than anythingĀ else, be grateful for the entire experience. The Gap Year travel idea isĀ something that wouldnā€™t have even been possible just a generation or twoĀ back, so be thankful that travel, technology, and everythingĀ else that hasĀ led up to this moment in your life is allowing you to travel the world.

Contributor:Ā Brian and Alyssa from

#12 Pack the right gear (and not too much of it!)

Forget the heavy clothes and multiple wardrobe choices. Layering is your best option. Pack thinner clothes so you can layer up when you go from warmer climates to cooler ones. And while itā€™s tempting to pack enough clothes to change up your look frequently, youā€™re probably going to end up alternating between the same couple of shirts for most of your trip. Think neutral colours that go with everything.

Contributor:Ā Anika Funk fromĀ

#20 Pack hand sanitiser and travel detergent

These two items are essential for a long trip. Hand sanitizer is essential if you need to eat but are away from a safe source of water. Meanwhile, you never know how long youā€™ll be away from a place to do your laundry, but youā€™ll most likely have access to a sink of some sort. Travel detergent comes in a small tube and is a lifesaver if you can only carry a small amount of clothing in your backpack.

Contributor:Ā Seb Atkinson fromĀ

#22 Live cheaply

India, Vietnam. Sri Lanka, Cambodia... so many placesĀ where you can live on very little. I live in India and my rent for a monthĀ is US$180, which comes with a gym, swimming pool, and monkeys that breakĀ into my apartment.

Contributor:Ā Paula Simpson from

#24 Donā€™t waste your money on a whole bunch of expensive travel stuff

WhileĀ vaccinations and health insurance are not to be skimped on, all thatĀ 'stuff' you are carting around, you'll regret. Leave the shoes and clothes,Ā you can buy at your destination (elephant pants, anyone?). The 'travelĀ accessories'... realistically, you won't spend THAT much time on a plane toĀ be worth all the gadgets. And it doesn't make sleeping any easier.Ā Earplugs, eyemask, good luck.

Contributor:Ā Paula Simpson from

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Written by Nathaniel Fried

Co-founder of Fupping. Busy churning out content and building an empire.

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