Photography Kickstarter

Photography Kickstarter Projects That Are Too good To Miss

Vote for your favourite now.

If you’re like me you’ve backed and funded many kickstarter projects. Some have turned out to be terrible, some have been awesome. Well, we want to know your opinions on the hottest and most ‘must have’ projects going on right now.

Submit and vote for your favourites down below.

Submit a picture at the bottom of the list of the Kickstarter product, company logo or perhaps a picture from their look-book and write a short description of why you love this project.

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#1 Bitch, Peas

Bitch Peas Book

Bitch, Peas is the perfect coffee table read that features 50 memorable photos of a consumer a c t u a l l y eating their food. These aren't your typical "pose with a dish" photos, these are raw and authentic memories stamped in time. Quirky captions and unique subjects help set the theme of this book as the power of food and human connection.

ONLY 2 DAYS LEFT! Please check out and support our KickStarter project

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#2 The Box Is Back: Modern Modular Box Camera

The Box Is Back- Modern Modular Box Camera


Enjoy street & portrait photography like never before with the NuBox 1. Our interchangeable lens, wide aperture, 120 film box camera!

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-2 points
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#4 Bringing the outdoors inside for the injured and ill

Bringing the outdoors inside for the injured and ill

Lauren Lang is raising funds for Bringing the outdoors inside for the injured and ill on Kickstarter! Front Range Wildlife Photographers is raising money to print greeting cards. Sales will benefit a program that brings art to hospitals.

Front Range Wildlife Photographers is raising money to print greeting cards. Sales will benefit a program that brings art to hospitals in the Denver metro area.

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#5 Remembrance // A photobook

©Rebecca Ravneberg, all rights reserved

A rich, high-quality black and white photobook, where I use my own life to tell a universal story, the story of saying goodbye.

All overfunding of this project

will go to host a Digesting Grief Through Creative Expression-Workshop at NĂžsen Yoga and Mountain Lodge in Hemsedal, Norway, fall 2018. No prerequisites or artistic facilities are required to participate. Message me and tell me your story if you would like to participate.

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Written by Nathaniel Fried

Co-founder of Fupping. Busy churning out content and building an empire.

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