
Things You Should Never Do When Quitting Your Job

Even if you’re quitting the most frustrating, energy-draining job, the way you quit can impact the future of your career. Quitting your job the right way takes a little bit of strategy and finesse so that you don’t damage any professional relationships you may want to keep. To help you resign successfully, let’s look at a few things you should never do when quitting your job.

Quit Without Proper Notice

Depending on your seniority, you should give about two to four weeks’ notice before quitting. The higher your seniority level, the more notice you should give. Not giving enough time before you leave can put your employer in a tough spot and can leave a bad taste in your employer’s mouth. However, if you do give them some time to find a new hire, take time to train coworkers, and leave resources for your successors, you’ll be remembered as the valuable employee you were.

Tell Your Coworkers First

If you tell your coworkers that you’re going to quit before you tell your employer, be prepared for the gossip to get back to them. When they do find out, they’re more than likely going to feel disrespected, which will likely hurt any future recommendations. Telling your employer about your departure first gives them time to figure out how they want to announce the news to other employees.

Act Out of Emotion

It’s understandable that there will be some jobs where you just want to lash out at those who’ve wronged you and make a scene on your way out the door. Ending with a bang is not the way to go and is the number one thing you should never do when quitting your job. Causing a ruckus, breaking things, cursing, or yelling won’t resolve anything and will definitely come back to bite you down the line. Even if you believe you’ve been wronged, discriminated against, or abused, don’t lash out; look for a civil rights lawyer instead.

Bad-Mouth Your Supervisor

Once again, bad-mouthing your supervisor is one of those things that is guaranteed to get back to them. If you’re lucky enough, it might happen when after you’ve already left, but do you really want to take that chance? Not only will that make for an incredibly awkward conversation or exit interview, but you can also be sure that your employer will put it on future recommendations—or they may not give you one at all.

Slack Off on Your Final Days

Treat your last few days or weeks as a time to tie up loose ends and finish up projects. It’s tempting to slack off when you feel like there’s no point in working hard, but doing so will make your employer and your coworkers resent you for not doing your share. Ultimately, you want to leave everyone with as positive a memory of you as possible. Not only is it the right thing to do, but it’s also the best thing for your career.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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