
Which Fragrance Is Best for Your Commercial Bathroom

As a building/facility owner, itā€™s your responsibility to maintain a clean, functional, and inviting restroom for all patrons. One way to improve the bathroom experience is by using air fresheners to mask less-than-pleasant smells. Unfortunately, thereā€™s an endless supply of potential air freshener scents to consider buying, making it difficult to know which fragrance is best for your commercial bathroom.

The Importance of a Quality Fragrance

Before we dive into the best scents for your buildingā€™s restroom, itā€™s essential that you understand the importance of using air fresheners and finding quality fragrances. Even the most well-maintained bathrooms succumb to unsavory smells from time to time, and good freshener products can help mask these odors. And maintaining a good-smelling bathroom area reflects well on your business. So what constitutes a quality fragrance? Basically, the most effective scents are ones that mask the unpleasant smell without overpowering the nose.

Scent I: Vanilla

Vanilla is a strong yet pleasant smell that works great in smellier areas, such as kitchens and bathrooms. A complex vanilla fragrance is effective at overpowering odors without being too offensive. Additionally, vanilla possesses some calming effects, making it a popular option for spa and mall bathrooms. As an added bonus, this air freshener smell is long-lasting, ensuring a pleasant commercial restroom experience all day long!

Scent II: Lavender

Lavender, like vanilla, may encourage rest and relaxation, making it the perfect fragrance for a commercial restroom. Furthermore, this scent is exceptional at distracting the nose away from stinky odors. Lavender is less offensive than vanilla, so consider using it in smaller restrooms with only a few stalls.

Scent III: Seasonal Scents

While vanilla and lavender are perhaps the best masking scents for your bathroom, that doesnā€™t mean you canā€™t get creative with your air fresheners. For instance, consider implementing seasonal fragrances every few months to keep your commercial restroom fresh and inviting. Ocean-breeze smells are perfect for the summer as they overpower odors with a cool, refreshing scent. Alternatively, switch to apple and cinnamon fragrances in the fall to create a cozier, more comfortable environment.

Now that you know which fragrance is best for your commercial bathroom, you can provide a better environment for your patrons. Just remember to replace these scents when necessary to ensure a suitable restroom environment every single time.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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