
Safety Protocol for Injection Molding Procedures

It’s critical to follow the proper safety protocol for injection molding procedures. There are many uses for reaction injection molding, and it’s crucial to know how to keep the molding procedures safe. Here is a closer look at some essential safety measures that keep engineers and facilities secure.

Safety Equipment

Always wear safety equipment when operating injection molding machines. Use proper eye protection and insulated gloves to protect yourself from debris and heat. Steel-toed shoes are essential gear to protect your feet. Additionally, partner with your supervisor to ensure you have alternate safety gear available at your disposal.

Know Your Machines

Before operating a machine, you must know how it works. Never use a device you don’t understand or haven’t been trained to use. Complete training and education prior to use, and take the opportunity to further your education. As consumer demands evolve, the technology you use may receive various updates. By continuing your education, you can ensure safety and best practices.

Have One Operator

One person at a time should operate machines. Never have multiple operators working on the same device. It may be beneficial to ensure multiple experiences people can substitute on a given device, but the risks of error and injury decrease with one operator at a time.

Make Sure the Machine Is Secure

Securely fasten the machine to its table before operation. Loosely attached machines can cause huge errors and even injuries. Follow manufacturer best practices and perform thorough walkthroughs of all devices and tables to ensure the device is securely attached.

Don’t Touch the Machine

Unless you are loading or unloading the mold, you should never touch a machine. Avoid touching machines while they go through the molding process, and keep your hands completely clear while they go through their cycles. Never put your fingers into feed openings when the machine is running.

When Maintaining a Machine, Turn the Power Off

If you’re ever running maintenance on a machine, turn the power off. Correcting errors and properly maintaining machines is crucial to running them successfully, but leaving the power on can cause accidents and injuries during routine maintenance.

Don’t Leave Machine Heaters On

If you’re not operating your machine, turning the machine’s heaters off is crucial. Leaving heaters on can cause injury if done improperly. You risk overheating or decreasing a machine’s lifespan when it is constantly running. Consider adding a safety inspection person to complete end-shift walkthroughs.

Always Use the Proper Purging Methods

Using the proper purging fixture is vital to clear machines and molds occasionally, but you should never purge the machine without its purging fixture. Always use the correct procedures when purging a machine to minimize risk of injury or harm to an operator and the surroundings.

Know the Location of Your Fire Extinguishers

Knowing the location of your fire extinguishers is a crucial safety protocol for injection molding procedures. Working with high heat can be hazardous to the workspace and engineers. By completing safety training on the facility’s fire emergency protocols, you can ensure team members possess the knowledge to act fast in risky situations.

Know Where Your First Aid Kits Are

If an injury does occur, you must know the location of your first aid kits. Keep their sites in mind in the event of any emergency. Consider adding this to the facility’s safety training and fire emergency protocols to ensure all team members can access first aid promptly.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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