
3 Ways To Go Green in Your Small Business

Building an eco-friendly business is one of the best things you can do for yourself as the owner. In fact, your green choices give you the upper hand when retaining employees and customers. Aside from the obvious benefits to your business, you’ll also take part in the movement to take care of the environment. Explore these three ways to go green in your small business and make a big difference.

Go Paperless

While this is probably the most obvious way to go green, going paperless is more beneficial to your business than you think. Consider these alternatives instead to save trees and money:

  • Provide a website rather than a catalog.
  • Send digital paystubs instead of paper ones.
  • Send promotional emails rather than mailing flyers.

Make Use of Natural Light

As if you don’t have plenty of business expenses already, utilities just add to your operation costs. But you can cut down your daily costs by making use of natural light in your office space. Rather than using overhead lights continuously, consider opening the blinds and curtains to let in some light. It’ll surprise you how much less light you need when you let the sun do its job.

Reuse and Recycle

The easiest way to protect the environment is by limiting how much waste you produce. Therefore, consider reusing as many products as possible. You can eliminate a good amount of your office waste by providing reusable water bottles and coffee cups for your employees!

While reusing is always the best option, recycling is sometimes necessary. For instance, your electronic devices can become obsolete, and you must recycle them properly. Additionally, batteries and lightbulbs are among the office supplies you should recycle to reduce your company’s waste.

Although you might not think your small business can make an impact, you should recognize that we all play a role in keeping the environment beautiful and clean. Utilizing these three ways to go green in your small business can save you money while also encouraging others to do the same. Being eco-friendly is a win-win for your business, and it’s a decision you won’t regret.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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