
4 Fascinating Facts You Didnā€™t Know About Honey

Used in various industries and products, honey is one of the most-used and most-consumed natural syrups. Yet, while plenty of businesses include this syrup in their recipes, skin-care products, and hair masks, few people know about some of its most interesting facts. In this article, weā€™ll take an in-depth look at honey to examine some fascinating facts you didnā€™t know about honey. To learn more, keep reading.

Honey Never Spoils

One of the most crucial facts that business-owners should know about honey is that it doesnā€™t spoil. Unfortunately, this fact commonly confuses businesses and consumers. As honey sits over time, the fructose inside it begins to solidify and harden into crystal grains. When people notice that their honey has crystallized, they often assume it has spoiled and throw it away. However, crystallization doesnā€™t equate to spoilage. In fact, crystallization is a natural process that doesnā€™t compromise the quality or safety of honey products.

In short, donā€™t throw out crystallized honey products! Instead, you can simply stir them to return them to their regular texture. With a few simple stirs, crystallized honey will be as delicious and nutritious as its original form.Ā 

Honey Is Healing

Most industries that use honey in their recipes, skin-care, or hair products know honey contains high levels of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. These healthy components of natural honey are what make it so valuable to so many different industries. However, fewer companies know how honeyā€™s antioxidants can heal wounds and scars. Since honey is a natural antibiotic, applying it to areas of skin that are damaged can be highly beneficial. The antibacterial properties of honey kill off existing bacteria around the skin, while the sticky texture preserves the skin to speed up skin cell healing. Businesses in skin care and hair care can use this potent property to their advantage.

Not All Honey Tastes the Same

When we think of honey, we tend to imagine one consistent syrup. However, the truth is that thereā€™s an abundance of honey varieties collected worldwide every year. Each of these honey varieties contains different pollen essences collected by bees that have pollinated different plant species.

Companies that use honey products for foods and beverages must realize that honey comes in different varieties with different flavors. For example, clover honey has a sweet and floral taste, whereas manuka honey is less sweet. Therefore, before orderingĀ organic raw honey for foods and beverages, business-owners should ensure they order the correct type of syrup.

The Honey Market Is Growing

When you order honey for your company, itā€™s easy to forget just how much labor went into collecting this delicious syrup. Beekeepers foster active beehives, collect honey, and package it for distribution. Honey may seem highly accessible, but business-owners should know how valuable this product truly is.

Each year, the honey market continues to grow globally. With more beekeepers tending to active hives and consumers fueling a greater demand for honey, this syrup will continue to be a valuable inventory item. Donā€™t underestimate how useful honey could be for your business.Ā 

These are just a handful of the fascinating facts about honey you might not know. We recommend that company-owners review this list to educate themselves on how to better use this valuable product to maximize their profits and satisfy their customers.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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