
4 Common Mistakes That New Dog Groomers Make

The process of grooming a dog can be tricky. While experienced professionals often make it look easy, the fact is that a lot of things can happen when a pet is on your table. Because of this, you need to understand what exactly could go wrong during an appointment and how to avoid making these errors yourself. These are four common mistakes that new dog groomers make and some strategies for improving performance.

Using the Wrong Grooming Shears

First, you’ll want to turn your attention to your tools themselves. The quality of your grooming shears will often determine the cleanness of the cut you make with them. So, when you’re using older, dull models, you’re going to get messy and rough cuts—if you can even cut with them at all. This not only makes you less efficient; it also hinders the styling process and impacts the dog’s final appearance. Because of this, you should ensure that you’re always using professional-level grooming products and keeping them maintained.

Brushing a Still Wet Coat

As you’ve probably learned in grooming school, it’s also a major mistake to brush a dog while they’re still wet from bathing. Doing so can irritate the pet’s skin and encourages sections of fur to clump together. This can make areas with knots or mats even worse than before and cause the dog to feel discomfort as you work them out. Because of this, you want to remember to dry them first. Brushing before their bath can even help minimize their risk of developing tangles.

Losing Track of time

Another mistake that new dog groomers frequently make is not making efficient use of their time. You’ll see lots of different pets throughout your workday, and all of them deserve your undivided attention. But, taking too long with one client starts to eat into the time you have with the next one, preventing your later appointments from getting the most of your service.

Not Cleaning Your Table Between Clients

Make sure you’re taking the time to clean your station between appointments as well. Even on days where things are busy, keeping your table clean can make the job easier for you and more comfortable for the client. This is especially true if you’re working with a dog with certain skin sensitivities or an active infection. The more you can do to reduce the spread of germs and adhere to each pet’s specific needs, the better off your customers will be.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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