
Steps To Consider as Your Catering Business Expands

With growth comes change. Let’s look at a few steps to consider as your catering business expands.

Additional Staff

As your catering business expands, don’t expect to do all the work yourself. It’s time to add additional help.

Doing as much on your own as possible will help you cut costs, but it’s impossible to keep up. Plus, additional staff members make events run smoothly, which will lead to more satisfied customers.


All catering orders must arrive safely and efficiently to each event. If you still use the family minivan, it’s time to consider a commercial vehicle for space, refrigeration, and convenience.

When looking for a commercial vehicle for your catering business, consider whether or not it’s best you lease or purchase one. Do you intend to continue in the catering business for years to come, or is this short term? What size commercial vehicle do you need, and do you expect to continue to expand? Asking these questions will narrow your options.

Also, what will insurance look like for you when driving a commercial vehicle? Be sure to contact your insurance agent for quotes and any additional details.

Focus Your Business

A large menu isn’t necessarily always better. As your catering business expands, narrow the food selection for ease of catering and also ease of choice for customers. A smaller selection will also help you focus on what you do best, which will lead to higher-quality food that tastes amazing.

This is also a great time to focus on and perfect customer favorites. Becoming known for what you do best is good for business.

Kitchen Space

Every state is different, but each has laws about what type of kitchen is acceptable for creating food and selling it. Often, a home kitchen suffices for a small business, but as your needs increase, you may require a commercial kitchen space.

Contact your city for the proper permits, licenses, and commercial kitchen requirements. As your business grows, renting commercial kitchen space or creating your own is essential and worth the price.

Following our steps to consider as your catering business expands will ease some common pains that typically result from growth. This is an exciting moment, so take your time and do things right. Then, watch your company flourish.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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