
How To Go Green in Construction

As a construction company, the goal is always to keep costs down and efficiency high. Together, those two concepts help contractors do the job correctly and quickly. The construction world has changed as more people begin to concern themselves with the environment. Taking the time to consider how to go green in construction will help you complete impressive construction jobs without harming the environment.

Speak With Clients

Construction companies may be surprised to find, as they speak with clients, that many are very interested in implementing more environmentally friendly building options wherever possible.

A greener construction project cannot begin without the client’s approval. Start by preparing some helpful ideas for them to consider, including how those options will benefit them in the short- and long-term. You can start creating formwork plans represented in a 3D view that will list all the materials and measurements needed at the construction site. It would also be helpful if you do it in software like Doka, which your clients can directly view through their smartphones. With this, the result will be an impressed and thankful community.

Choose Equipment Wisely

Construction typically requires heavy equipment that uses plenty of gas and electricity, which is hard on the environment. Look into options that run with less fuel when choosing these necessities. Hoists and lifts come in all shapes and sizes with different ways of running. You can also select cranes, power tools, and generators according to efficiency ratings.


Proper insulation from the beginning significantly reduces a building’s environmental footprint by lowering energy loss and costs. Insist on insulating a building project well to trap heat and make better use of it. Any area that produces airflow can benefit from insulation, including doors, windows, and walls.

Solar Panels

As a renewable, clean source of power, solar panels get their energy from the sun, reducing energy costs tremendously. With natural and sustainable power sources such as these, you significantly lower the client’s environmental impact compared to using traditional energy sources. Large and small building projects alike will benefit from solar panels.

Sustainable Materials

Environmentally friendly materials come in many forms. Use them wherever possible when you’re experimenting with how to go green in construction. Most traditional building materials are not good for the environment, but more eco-friendly products are coming to the market every day as the environment has become an important factor in building.

Steel beams are available in recycled material. Many types of roofing shingles are recyclable after removal. Some countries are now even offering a green rating system to encourage greener construction.

If everyone works together, construction projects can begin to leave behind better environmental footprints, along with happy and safe communities.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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