
Best Ways To Reduce Data Center Costs

Data centers are becoming increasingly popular resources for expanding businesses. Building or expanding a data center can be quite a costly investment, with equipment and power often being the steepest expenses. Servers and coolers constantly use power. However, strategic approaches to constructing your center can decrease future power and maintenance expenses. Read on to discover the best ways to reduce data center costs to configure the most efficient system in your building.

Locate Your Data Center in a Low Power Cost Area

Because energy is the greatest expense you’ll face with your data center, building it in a low power cost area can help relieve any budgeting concerns. In the US, commercial power cost rates range from about five to 25 cents per kilowatt-hour.

The near five-fold difference in rates may encourage you to establish your center in a state with a lower commercial cost. For planting your data building in the US, consider the following low-rate states:

  • Idaho
  • Utah
  • Wyoming
  • Kansas
  • Tennessee
  • Kentucky
  • North Carolina

States To Avoid

These states are on the more costly end of commercial power rates. Setting up shop in one of these states will keep you from saving on annual costs.

  • California
  • New York
  • Vermont
  • New Jersey
  • Maryland
  • Delaware

Choose a Location With a Mild Climate

Data centers contain highly wired systems. Extreme temperature affects wired networks in unfavorable, and pricey ways. Of the lower commercial power cost areas, choose a location with a mild climate.

A mild climate will require less cooling and is less likely to result in damaged equipment. In hotter temperatures, air conditioning and airflow units guzzle energy to maintain an appropriate environment for servers and other devices.

Opt for Energy Efficient Extras

Though you may prioritize the data center when it comes to minimizing power consumption, you should also stay mindful of how you can improve energy efficiency in other office areas. Utilize LED lightbulbs, set computers on power-saving modes, and incorporate high-quality airflow technology. These techniques are some of the easiest and best ways to reduce data center costs.

Research Power Providers

Research power providers local to your data center. See which providers are offering competitive pricing. Be sure to select a power rate that your budget can cover.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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