
Five Steps To Self-Publishing a Book

Self-publishing is the act a writer takes to become an independently published author. Such a dauntless writer publishes their work at their own expense, with no ties with or backup from a publishing house. Many people take on this endeavor for risk and pleasure as it’s an unregulated facet of the publishing industry. Nevertheless, it takes guts and gusto alike to publish your own book successfully. Here are the five steps to self-publishing a book to get started on today.

Writing Process: Get Words Down on Paper

Almost anyone can write. But to write well? That takes time and practice. Storytelling is not a magical ability that only certain people have. We are storytellers every day. It’s in our genes, inherent to our very nature. If you want to tell a story well, writing should be a part of your routine every day.

The first of the five steps to self-publishing a book is to write—even if you don’t feel ready. Just get it down on paper. No matter if you are a practiced writer or desire to engage your passion as a new wordsmith, the words will eventually come. The sooner you start writing the first draft, the sooner you can get feedback and rewrite.

Book Editing: Make the Draft Even Better

After you write a rough draft or manuscript, you will need to find a quality editor. Writers need editors to ensure that their writing flows and is free from grammatical errors or potential plot holes. Find an editor with whom you can work well. Their constructive criticism will help you provide the top quality of written work. You may need to go back and forth several times with revisions and corrections to produce a final draft.

Book Design: A Cover With Aesthetic

A book’s cover needs to be compelling and inviting so that readers want to open it. A professional and experienced designer will be your best bet to produce a dynamic image. A good cover should quickly tell potential readers what content they are about to receive. Covers communicate potential, so make the most of yours. You create a distinct reputation by design.

Book Publication: How To Get It Printed

Most printed books utilize uncoated paper stock for the interior pages and coated paper stock for the outer covers. Various online giants can offer printing services, but the most economical option is a commercial print shop. Many print companies can provide options that fit your needs and desires or offer discounts in bulk. If you’re truly unsure of the best finish, take a look at the following considerations to choose the right paper for printing.

Marketing: Promote Your Book

Ideally, you’ll be doing promotion during each step of the process, especially before publication for distribution. Self-published writers face various challenges as they need to build their own author platform to reach the widest possible audience. Social media is the key here, along with word-of-mouth, good reviews, and local promotions. After you’ve published your book and made copies available for sale, it’s truly time to get out there to get the attention your written work deserves. Similar to a tree that falls in the emptiest of forests, you cannot expect people to hear you make a sound unless you reach out to them.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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