
A Guide to Buying an Engagement Ring

When the time is right in your relationship and you decide to ask your special someone to marry you, the hunt for the perfect ring to inspire that “yes!” begins. Buying an engagement ring can be intimidating. There are many factors to consider. Check out this guide to buying an engagement ring.

Set a budget

It can be easy to get sucked into the beauty of the ring and forget that you have to pay for it. Avoid the temptation of a ring that’s way out of your price range by setting a budget before you start your search. The common saying is to spend two month’s salary on the ring. This is an outdated rule that shouldn’t be the deciding factor in your budget. Consider how much savings you have and what large purchases you and your significant other will have in the near future, such as a wedding, house, or car. Look at your entire financial situation, and consider what you can afford—but don’t underspend, either. How much you spend can serve as a reflection of how much you value the relationship, so spend a reasonable chunk of money on the ring.

Figure out what kind of ring she wants

This is a piece of jewelry you want your future fiancée to wear every day for the rest of her life—it’s extremely important that she likes it. Most women have an idea of what type of ring they want regarding style, cut of the stone, type of stone, and metal material. Talk to your girlfriend about what she might want in a ring, and ask for picture examples of things she likes. If you want to keep the proposal a secret, talk to her best friends about it. They will either already know or have a sneaky way of finding out the type of ring she’s dreaming of. She may want a custom-built ring or even a vintage engagement ring. Either way, getting her what she wants is important.

Learn her ring size

Imagine this: You’ve planned everything out. You’ve created the most romantic proposal. You get down on one knee, and the love of your life turns around with excitement and shock in her eyes. You tell her how much she means to you and ask her to spend her life with you as your wife. Tears roll down her eyes as she exclaims, “Yes!” You pull the ring out of the box and place it on her finger…and it won’t go past her second knuckle because you got it two sizes too small.

Nothing can ruin a romantic proposal moment quite like the ring being the wrong size. Before buying the ring, ask her or her friends what size she is and avoid the hitch in your romantic proposal story. Try to know also the design of the ring that she wanted to have on her proposal day. You can check at Ethan Lord as they offer different options from diamond to gold plated rings that would match your special day

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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