
Ways to Make Your Business More Eco-Friendly

Environmental consciousness has become an increasingly important issue in recent years. The shift toward more sustainable living has caused many individuals to adopt a plant-based diet, downsize their belongings, or limit their consumption of single-use items. Environmentally friendly living doesn’t have to remain limited to home life, however. In fact, many businesses are joining the green initiative and taking small steps toward more environmentally conscious operations. The following ways to make your business more eco-friendly help prove that it’s never been easier to go green.


One of the best ways to make your business more eco-friendly is by simply recycling. This may seem rather obvious but it’s something that many businesses overlook. Most businesses produce a significant amount of waste on a daily basis, and a majority of that waste is often recyclable. Establishing a reliable recycling program within your business will ensure that no waste goes to waste on your watch and that you utilize every item to its full potential. When establishing your recycling system, be sure to consider both the quantity and the quality of waste your company produces. Some items may seem acceptable for recycling, such as Styrofoam, batteries, and other electrical equipment, but will actually require the employment of a specialized waste removal company. The quantity of waste produced will also determine the scope of your recycling program. Larger, more regular loads of waste will likely require additional waste removal services.

Go paperless

Paper products serve as the main source of clutter for many businesses. While we can recycle many paper products, there are a select few that are unfit for recycling. This includes any paper products coated in wax, plastic, or foil-paper. Shredded paper products are also unfit for recycling. As this type of product is common among many businesses, particularly those which deal with rather private affairs, they can serve as a chief source of waste. Rather than wasting company time to sort through paper products, it’s better to cut out the clutter right at the source. Start by scanning any old paper documents and filing them in a digital storage system. This will not only save on the number of paper products used by your business but will also enable you to view and share documents with increased ease. Establishing a digital banking system is also a great way to go paperless. Conducting your company’s finances on a digital platform and offering a digital invoice or receipt will help cut out paper at the source and will produce far less waste in the long run.

Undergo an energy audit

Scheduling an energy audit is one of the best ways to understand your business’ energy consumption and the specific steps you can take to make operations more environmentally friendly. This energy audit will advise you of the appliances that utilize the most energy, as well as the time of day with the highest energy consumption. The energy audit may also be able to suggest certain appliances that could help your business run in a more energy-efficient manner. Items with an Energy Star certification, for example, require less energy to operate and will help your business become more environmentally friendly.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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