
6 Ways to Make the Office Look Better

Whether you work at home or commute to the office day after day, our workplace can turn into a dumping ground that catches everything from our busy lives. Old projects, snack foods, old technology, and dated furniture can make the office look more like a junk drawer than a place of business. Don’t let this be the story of your office—keep it looking good all the time. These are some quick ways to make the office look better, so you can enjoy the time you spend there.

Change the Furniture

You may not think its time to change the office furniture, but if there are cables all over your desk and the floor, it’s time to reset. New office furniture will give the office a fresh new look and rejuvenate you and the entire staff. Office desks and chairs will make your workspace feel brand new; so, if you have 20-year-old furniture, it’s time for an upgrade.

Dispatch the Corporate Art

Get rid of the corporate, team building, and inspirational posters in the office. These cheesy, overused signs can make the office feel artificial. Instead, find your own artwork that speaks to you and will lift your spirits when you look at it.

Clean the Mess

Keeping your little space in the office clean and tidy will make it instantly look better. Working at a desk with a sticky surface and keyboard is enough to bring down anyone. Plus, the best part about cleaning your office is it’s free, so give it a shot.

Dim the Lighting

There isn’t much worse in the office setting than overhead fluorescent lighting. Those intense lights hurt our eyes, sap our energy, and reduce productivity. Turn those off and bring in a lamp or two—give yourself and your team the gift of soft lighting.

Brighten Things Up

Everyone is tired of bland white and gray office décor. So, spruce up the area and add some color. Pick any bright color you like to breathe some life into that drab, boring office. Whether it’s a fresh coat of paint or a bunch of new accessories, you’ll see the morale and enthusiasm of the team rise.

Make a Chalkboard Message Board

Instead of sending emails or chatting online, bring in a chalkboard and let people leave messages. Invest in some colorful chalk and let employees share their favorite quotes and other fun notes. You could also invest in “chalkboard” paint and paint an entire wall in the office with it. This will let people get creative and take an art break when they feel stuck.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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