
Eco-Friendly Renovation Ideas for Your Business

Ultimately, humans are responsible for reducing our carbon footprint and not depleting our resources faster than we can regenerate them. If your commercial building requires a renovation, it won’t do to waste materials when alternative methods are available. As a business owner, you should remain mindful when conducting renovations in order to complete them in a way that helps the Earth as opposed to hurting it. As such, consider some of these eco-friendly renovations for your business.

1. Properly Insulate

A building that isn’t properly insulated will ultimately cause you to waste more resources. When outside elements such as the cold can easily enter a building, you must use more electricity to warm the area. To avoid this, pay attention to the building’s insulation when you’re working on it.

2. Use Less Water

There are simple ways in which we can cut down on our water usage, but we can become even more energy-efficient by using special hardware. For example, faucets with sensors ensure that the water turns off even if we forget to do it or if our hands are otherwise occupied. You may also consider investing in double-flush toilets to increase your water savings.

3. Polish Your Concrete

If you have concrete floors, you might be considering replacing them altogether, but we urge you to think about polishing the concrete floors instead. This will update the flooring’s look and add protection. Additionally, the polish will cause more light to reflect off the floors, so you won’t have to use as many light sources.

4. Keep Lighting in Mind

While we’re on the subject of lighting, it’s certainly something you should keep in mind. Large windows will allow natural light to illuminate the area during the day, and energy-efficient light bulbs will reduce the use of electricity at night.

5. Repurpose and Recycle

When you’re renovating, don’t immediately throw away materials that you don’t think will be useful anymore. Wood and glass are often salvageable, and you can even repurpose them in different areas of the structure. If you don’t use these materials yourself, you should be sure to properly recycle them.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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