
Finding the Right Asphalt Driveway Contractor for Your Needs

Finding and hiring the right asphalt driveway contractor to do work on your driveway will save you time and aggravation. Knowing what kind of work you need completed is the first step. Some contractors can do any and all types of driveway work, while others specialize in certain types of jobs. You want to make sure you get the right contractor to your house to quote the proposed job and give you a good price. If the job is outside their scope of expertise, a dishonest contractor may give you a high price so that they can buy new equipment and learn how to do the work at your expense.

There are three categories of asphalt driveway contractors. Choose the one that best suits your needs and be prepared to explain your exact problem to the contractor so that they can determine if they can do the job.

Sealcoating Contractors

This kind of contractor is like a cosmetic surgeon. They come along to fix minor problems, clean things up, and make your driveway look really nice. They’ll fill any cracks and potholes with cold patch and then apply coal tar or an emulsion sealer to finish the job. Having a sealcoater come out every other autumn will protect your driveway from weather-related damage and help it last longer.

Paving Contractors

If your driveway is cracked or pitted with giant holes, you should call a paving company. They can resurface the driveway by removing the broken asphalt and replacing it with a fresh layer. If the problems are even bigger, they can remove the entire driveway, gravel and all. They’ll excavate the driveway down to the dirt and start from the ground up with a new gravel base and layer of asphalt.

Repair Contractors

If less than 20% of your driveway needs repairs, then call a repair contractor, who can use saws to cut out any large cracks that are too big to be filled with cold patch or sealer. They’ll then fill the areas with stone and new asphalt. Keep in mind that having a repair contractor fix just one or two cracks isn’t as cost-effective—these contractors handle larger problems such as potholes and settled areas that have created dips in the pavement.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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