
10 Ways to Attract Customers to Your Website

Everyone wants to drive traffic to their site. It would be great to launch a site and instantly have millions of unique visitors every day, but it doesnā€™t work that way. Thereā€™s no formula for guaranteed success, and it takes time, but there are a lot of little things you can do to attract customers to your website.


Invite Guest Bloggers

Guest bloggers are a viable way to increase traffic. They can bring their audience to your site and bring new information to your readers. Make sure that the content is unique, interesting, and relevant to your brand.


Post Content on LinkedIn

Itā€™s no longer just a landing place for job hunters. Posting all your content on the biggest professional social network available will drive traffic to your site and can make you an expert in your industry.


Link Internally

Youā€™re link profile isnā€™t only determined by the amount of external links that come into your site, internal links also count. Find opportunities to link to content on your own site. It gives visitors a chance to see what else you offer without having to search for it.


Become a Resource

Make your site the only place that people think of when they think of your industry. If you make an abundance of information and content available, then thereā€™s almost no reason to go elsewhere and you can become the industry expert.


Have a Quick-Loading Site

Think about the last time you went to a site and it took some time for it to load. How long did you wait? Most people wonā€™t wait more than a few seconds before moving on to the next site. If someone clicks on your site, make sure they see what they want to, and fast.


Create a Community

People want to be a part of something, to feel like they belong. You should give your viewers a place to do that; enable comments or create a forum for people to share ideas and interact. Holding in person meet ups can also foster a sense of community.


Be Active in Your Comments

Engage with your community in the comments section to keep things civil and watch for trolls. The long-term benefits of making insightful comments are youā€™ll boost your visibility and become a subject-matter expert in your industry.


Watch the Data

The value of Google Analytics cannot be overstated. It provides data on every possible aspect of your site. Use it to know the demographics of your visitors and what content is most popular. This information can help you tailor marketing strategies to your audience.


Use Social Media

LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are all platforms you should be on if you arenā€™t already. Your customers are there waiting for you to grab their attention. Get your content in front of new and potential customers with this free exposure for your company.


Start Guest Blogging

Much like having guest bloggers on your own site, you can guest blog for other sites as well. Give interesting, original content that people want to read and back link at least once to relevant content on your site. Let that new audience see that you know what youā€™re talking about.


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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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