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9 History Books Written For 10 Year Old Kids

The past, explained for the young ones.

10 years old and it is already time to introduce them to non-fiction, real-world history that deals with issues that, while being from a distant past, the lessons they can draw from them are pretty much timeless in their wisdom.

Much mainstream talk about history being boring and just a chore to read stems from the fact that they rather you’d keep looking at them through the TV screen. Do the kids a favor and let them learn real history from the unadulterated source which are these history books for 10-year-olds and let their imagination will do the rest.

#1 How and Why We Celebrate The Patriotic Holidays

How and Why We Celebrate The Patriotic Holidays Get this book or read more reviews of it by using the links below

Do you know what the major patriotic holidays are? Do you know how we celebrate them? Do you know why we celebrate them? Come along and learn about our major patriotic holidays…and enjoy some fun activities especially for each one, too.

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#2 Troubadour, Jester, or Page By Cynthia MacGregor

Troubadour, Jester, or Page By Cynthia MacGregor Get this book or read more reviews of it by using the links below

Career choices were limited for kids in the Middle Ages, many many centuries ago. Most boys did whatever their fathers did, whether the fathers were farmers, blacksmiths, or merchants. Most girls got married early, raised a family, and kept house. But there were some exceptions for boys and even a few exceptions for girls. Some of the other career possibilities included troubadour, jester, page, trobairitz, and jongleur. But what were these occupations, and how did a boy (or girl) get to be one? This book has the answers.

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#3 O, Say Do You Know? By Cynthia MacGregor

O, Say Do You Know? By Cynthia MacGregor Get this book or read more reviews of it by using the links below

“O, say can you see, By the dawn’s early light…”.

Those are the opening lines of our national anthem, “The Star-Spangled Banner,” but how much do you know about the song and the history surrounding it? What do you know about the circumstances that led Francis Scott Key to write the famous (and stirring) words that are sung before every major sports event and on many other occasions?

And did you know that America’s national anthem was set to the tune of a British drinking song? Read this book and learn it all.

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LIFE, LIBERTY, AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS by Cynthia MacGregor Get this book or read more reviews of it by using the links below

The two most important pieces of paper that control the American government are the United States Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. This book talks about the Declaration of Independence, why it was written, what it says, and why it is important.

Kids who know little about what life was like in Colonial days will have their eyes opened by this book.

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#5 Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor by Cynthia MacGregor

Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor by Cynthia MacGregor Get this book or read more reviews of it by using the links below

Come along on a journey to the late 1800s, a time when America was the haven sought by many who had been born overseas and were living in poverty, or under oppressive governments, or both. As these refugees and other immigrants reached our shores, they inspired our friends in France to send us a statue commemorating the immigrants’ arrival.

They also inspired a poet named Emma Lazarus to write a poem about the welcome America gave them, a poem that is engraved on the pedestal on which stands the Statue of Liberty.

Before buying a book make sure to compare price and outlet, we have included links below to several large book outlets for different regions in the world:

#6 Created Equal by Cynthia MacGregor

Created Equal by Cynthia MacGregor Get this book or read more reviews of it by using the links below

The words ring out through the ages: “We hold these truths to be self-evident: That all men are created equal.” They are one of the very foundations of American democracy. But have all people—men and women, Whites and Blacks, Native Americans, and immigrants all been treated equally in our country? Here are some facts not all young students learn in their history classes.

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#7 Desert Danger (My Story) by Jim Eldridge

Desert Danger (My Story) by Jim Eldridge Get this book or read more reviews of it by using the links below

Ten-year-olds love stories of war and adventure, and this book definitely falls under that category. It tells the story of Tim Jackson, who is drafted into the British army during the time of the Blitz. He has mechanical skills and is selected to go to North Africa as a sapper. In a dangerous setting, the sapper’s job becomes the key to the Allies being successful and Germany losing the war.

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#8 A History of US: Eleven-Volume Set by Joy Hakim

A History of US: Eleven-Volume Set by Joy Hakim Get this book or read more reviews of it by using the links below

The History of US by Joy Hakim has a left-wing bias but gives a general introduction to American history with lots of exciting details sprinkled throughout. The books are relatively short but densely packed with information. Overall, it’s a useful introduction to American history.

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#9 Abraham Lincoln: The Great Emancipator by Augusta Stevenson

Abraham Lincoln: The Great Emancipator by Augusta Stevenson Get this book or read more reviews of it by using the links below

Abraham Lincoln’s story is one example of many biographies written for children about famous Americans. Reading biographies is an excellent way to teach a child history, because the life of the person is fascinating, and with the historical background offered in the book, the children get more than a biography, but they get a history lesson too. There are many of these biographies that have been published. Abraham Lincoln’s biography is one of many you can choose from.

Before buying a book make sure to compare price and outlet, we have included links below to several large book outlets for different regions in the world:

Contributors to this article
Cynthia MacGregor from CynthiaMacGregor

Adina Mahalli from Enlightened Reality

Elizabeth Y. Hanson from Smart Homeschooler

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Written by Jacob Jacobowitz

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