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How Renovating Your Church Builds a Sense of Community

Do you remember the last time your church building underwent renovations or a remodel? If your answer is no, you and the members of your congregation likely have some work to do.

Like all structures, church buildings degrade with time and need regular upkeep. Not to mention, renovating your church could help strengthen the sense of community among your church members. How? We’re glad you asked. Continue reading to learn how renovating or remodeling your church can help strengthen the bonds in your congregation and between your church and the community.

Renovating your building will instill in your members more pride in their church

Have you ever been to a megachurch (assuming your church isn’t one)? Better yet, have you ever spoken to a member of a megachurch? They always lead with the name of their church before telling you their own, so great is their pride in their place and family of worship. Wouldn’t you like the members of your congregation to feel that same kind of pride? We’re not saying remodeling your building will turn your church into a megachurch, but it can instill mega pride in your church members.

One of the first spots you should consider renovating is the roof. There are some renovations you and your church members can DIY. However, roofing installation is better left to contractors with years of experience installing commercial roofs. Buccos Roofing is a roofing company in Murrysville, PA, with a reputation for doing an excellent job every time around. With a roofing company like that handling your roofing installation, you can have peace of mind that, while the heavens are open, the top of your church isn’t.

Getting members involved in the project will promote comradery

Photo by Joel Mott on Unsplash

Involving the members of your congregation in the renovations is a great way to strengthen the bonds among your church members. Moreover, it might surprise you how willing they are to lend their talents to restoring and beautifying their house of worship.

Put out a call for all hands on deck in your church bulletins and watch the volunteers begin to add up. You’ll see that you’re not alone in your passion for the house of worship. And best of all, you get to watch the members of your congregation work hand in hand, strengthening their bonds. It’ll make you a proud pastor.

Church renovations could present an opportunity for community outreach

Photo by William White on Unsplash
Photo by William White on Unsplash

Renovating your church building can also serve as an outreach opportunity and help strengthen the bonds between your church and the local community. Indeed, use the occasion to get out in the community and get to know the people in the area. You could even celebrate once the project is complete and invite everyone in the community to celebrate with you.

Renovating your church is a great way to uplift your church family and perhaps attract new members. It will instill a sense of pride in the members of your congregation and strengthen their bonds with one another. Remodeling your church building could also present an opportunity for community outreach. Not to mention, once renovations are complete, you’ll have a cause for celebration.

Working on your church building is an opportunity to get to know your congregation better and make your church more known. However, it’s imperative to do your due diligence before starting your project. As Luke 14:28 says, “For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it?” Research to find the best and most affordable building materials and contractors, and DIY it with your congregation where you can. Indeed, during the course of your project, you’ll see that while you’re renovating a building, you’re also building up your congregation.

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