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7 Informative Books On The Economy And Finance For Everyone

To appreciate the workings of the modern economy you can pick either a dry economics textbook or one of these lucid books on the economy that spells things out in relatable and easy-to-understand verbiage. Your call!

The economy is a very real system that often seems abstract to the layman. We feel its impact: but for many of us, much of what it is and how it works is a mystery. Which is a shame in light of its importance in supporting our consumption-heavy lifestyles and maintaining a semblance of order.

This is largely because of the mammoth size of the system and numerous components that keep the wheels turning. It makes dumbing things down to a level anyone would readily comprehend quite an undertaking. Thankfully, that’s what these best economic books do so well. They make understanding the modern economy (and finance) more accessible and less of a complex, giant blob.

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#1 The Feminist Financial Handbook by Brynne Conroy

In this book, author Brynne Conroy provides actionable tips forΒ women in business to overcome these obstacles without dulling the visceralΒ experience of the real-life struggles women face as they try to master theirΒ money management and their lives. Because women's experiences don't exist inΒ a vacuum relegated to their gender, the handbook explores financial issuesΒ with anecdotes and perspectives of women of different races, sexualΒ orientations and abilities. Whether you want to learn more about generalΒ financial planning principles, like saving or earning a higher income, orΒ delve into issues that disproportionately affect women, like the wage gap orΒ the long road to economic recovery after experiencing domestic violence, TheΒ Feminist Financial Handbook has stories and advice from women who have beenΒ there, worked through the struggle, and achieved personal success.

Want to read more reviews of this book or buy it? Check out the link below:

Contributor: Brenda Knight from Mango Publishing

#2 MONEY Master the Game by Tony Robbins

In the book he describes a portfolio, that has absolute minimal risk. It is prepared for each economic season. This was described by Ray Dalio. He also gets the portfolio suggestions of finance titans; the CEO of JP Morgan Chase's Asset Wealth Management division, T. Boone Pickens, Chuck Scwhab and other accomplished names.

Want to read more reviews of this book or buy it? Check out the link below:

Contributor: Andrew Jewell from JOID Investments

#4 Big Debt Crises by Ray Dalio

This is THE book to readΒ to understand current complex financial markets and economy, especially toΒ understand why the 2008 financial meltdown actually happened at aΒ macroeconomic level. Also very easy to read. Written by one of the mostΒ prolific hedge fund managers ever.Β 

Want to read more reviews of this book or buy it? Check out the link below:

Contributor: Prateek Agarwal from Intelligent Economist

#5 The Theory of the Leisure Class by Thorstein Veblen

Unlike most works that describe economics as a series of formulas andΒ resource allocations, Veblen describes economics as the natural outcome ofΒ class warfare and an inherent desire for social recognition. This bookΒ provides a new perspective on why people buy what they buy, why many luxuryΒ items really exist, and the reasoning behind the famous economic term thatΒ bears the author's name: Veblen good.

Want to read more reviews of this book or buy it? Check out the link below:

Contributor: Adam Juda from TapRun Consulting

#6 Capitalism and Freedom by Milton Friedman

This book is about how competitive capitalism serves as both a deviceΒ for achieving economic freedom and a necessary condition for politicalΒ freedom. This book gives an in-depth look at various market factors thatΒ capitalism affects and is affected by. Compared to other books onΒ economics, it is very concise and well written. This book willΒ show you howΒ you can use the economic system to make yourself an independent person,Β capable of taking advantage of the liberty that free markets promote.

Want to read more reviews of this book or buy it? Check out the link below:

Contributor: Mark from Lasting Trend

#7 Misbehaving by Richard H. Thaler

The book reveals the birth and reasoningΒ of behavioral economics. It’s the blend of well-proven economics conceptΒ and the fact that human beings do not act as rational robots. TheΒ book offers a fresh perspective to classical economic theories as well asΒ practical advice for marketers. It is both a fun read and an eye-opener forΒ those who believe they know how the economy works.

Want to read more reviews of this book or buy it? Check out the link below:

Contributor: Illia Termeno from Extrabrains marketing agency

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Written by Taegan Lion