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The 2 Books Every Economics Student Should Read

One of the best ways to take a deep dive on a subject is through a good book. Here is a, by no means exhaustive (obviously, it’s only 2 books), list of books that every Economics student should read.

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#1 Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt

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This brilliant book is billed as β€œThe ShortestΒ and Surest Way to Understand Basic Economics,” and its decades-longΒ best-seller status confirms its claim to the throne of introductoryΒ economic books. β€œEconomics in One Lesson” is an essential guide to theΒ basics of economic theory, and it does a great job of rebuking mythsΒ surrounding capitalism and free markets that is a welcome addition to anyΒ economics education.Β 

Want to read more reviews of this book or buy it? Check out the links below:

Contributors: David Ambrogio from Tower BooksΒ 

#2 Reinventing the Bazaar by John McMillan

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A fun, insightful look at the evolution of markets. Chapter titles such as The Embarrassment of a Patent-referring to quotes from both Thomas Jefferson and the U.S. Supreme Court discussing the awkwardness of the government granting monopoly power-and Come Bid!-discussing the evolution of auctions and the new power of online bidding-give a sense of the tone of the book.Β I recommend this book to students who want to understand markets better or just have a fun economics read, and I often pull this book out to find great examples to back up what I teach in micro and managerial econ classes.

Want to read more reviews of this book or buy it? Check out the links below:

Contributors: Megan Way from Babson CollegeΒ 

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Written by Taegan Lion

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