Lord of the Rings + The Hobbit (5/17)

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When I was in middle school, I was the typical class nerd. My mother used to read me The Hobbit before bed. Then, I read Lord of the Rings and it became my favorite book. One day, we had a class assignment to read a poem in front of the class. I dressed up in full-on Gandalf gear, cape and staff included.

I read a poem from Lord of the Rings, and sure enough, all of my class made fun of me. But I wasn’t mad or upset, because I was a wizard and wizards don’t care what other people think about them, they only care about saving the world. I look back on who I was and I kind of miss that girl who wasn’t afraid of what people thought of her. I never knew I’d be publishing my own poetry one day. Now when I go up to read my poems in front of people, I just imagine that I’m a wizard.

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Contributor: Holly Walrath

Company: hlwalrath.com

Written by Nathaniel Fried

Co-founder of Fupping. Busy churning out content and building an empire.

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