Focus on the habits that get things done (8/46)

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There are many different ways to accomplish goals. I just launched a Kickstarter campaign on August 21st, we got funded in 18 hours, with basically hardly any email list (which is what we really need to be successful) but I did have friends and family list. The following is what I do daily to be able to launch Kickstarter mostly by myself and my part-time partner. We do have some part-time VA and we also have to work with them to get projects completed. Here’s what I did:

  1. I have 1 notebook to keep all my write it down in one place 
  2. I don’t do work in bed. 
  3. I change into work clothes or workout clothes and never in PJ’s 
  4. I eat breakfast before I start 
  5. I write down everything that comes to head or I text myself and then review them daily. 
  6. I keep a lot of information on Google Drive and Dropbox 
  7. I use Trello to keep projects or ideas down so I don’t forget and I review those every other day 
  8. When I email a vendor or someone, its one topic per email… its a bit crazier because you get more emails.. but its easier to find if I have to search for it. 
  9. I do a lot of research online and talk to people so I’m prepared and not waiting to last minute to figure things out. 
  10. I don’t watch TV during the day 
  11. I eat at my desk and have a separate office (spare room) that I work in. (I eat at my desk so that I’m not tempted by the TV near the dining room) 
  12. I write down and check off my MUST do list first for the day. 
  13. If I don’t complete something, then I recopy it over the next day’s list so this forces me to complete it because I don’t want to keep writing it down. 
  14. I set an alarm for everything, especially appointments 
  15. When I take breaks, I usually do a few floor exercise like stretching or planks 
  16. When there are gaps of free time, I listen to the podcast on the topic that I am focused on so an example is I listen to the podcast on Kickstarter so that I keep that topic top of mind. 
  17. I have a tendency to lose my glasses… so I have multiple ones everywhere so that I don’t waste time searching. 
  18. I block out all things that need to be done at home usually until the evening or weekends. 
  19. If I have errands to do… I do them in the afternoon after I get my Must-do items done. 

Contributors: Shirley Tan from Posture Keeper 

Written by Zak Parker

Journalist, writer, musician, professional procrastinator. I'll add more here later.

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