Donald Trump Sitting In Your Setlist (4/7)

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A financier with the Royal Bank of Canada called me up and asked me if I could have lunch with his wife and him. I met them at a nice restaurant on the Upper East side, and they asked me if I would be interested in performing at a party to celebrate their 45th anniversary, at the Donald Trump golf course in Palm Beach, Florida.

You can imagine my utter shock when, about 15 minutes into my act, Mr. Trump himself and his wife Melania came and sat down at the back of the room. When I saw them, I was probably the most nervous I have ever been as a comedian, even more than when I performed for President Obama. But instead of showing my nervousness, I kept going without batting an eyelid. The typical comedian would have picked on Mr. and Mrs. Trump, but being a professional I didn’t even consider it. They were polite enough to stay until the end, about 10 or 15 minutes, without getting up in the middle of my show. I thought that showed true class.

Contributor: Dan Nainan from

Written by James Metcalfe

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