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How To Perfect A Persuasive Essay

A persuasive essay can be an instrumental piece of writing, and the skills required are valuable even outside of an academic environment. Some of the best custom writing in this genre comes from a robust and well-researched argument which persuades the reader to your way of thinking. Like any writing, however, the ability to persuade needs to be practiced, honed and perfected, and there are many steps you can take to help you to build this skill. Read on for our top tips on perfecting your persuasion—you could be in politics in no time!

Pick A Side

Unlike other genres, a persuasive piece required you to pick a side of the fence and stick to it. This will help to enhance your argument and provide authority.A compelling piece will be instantly weakened if you deviate halfway through. You should be able to pre-empt the opposing arguments, and it is valid to reference these in the essay, but make sure that you immediately counter the point with a case in your favor. All opposing views should only be included if they can be refuted thoroughly.

A Strong Start

To grab the attention of the reader, you need a ‘hook’ to draw them in and convince them to stay. For this reason, the start of your essay is crucial, as it helps to set up the rest of the piece. Your introductory paragraph should contain this, intriguing the audience and encouraging them to explore your discussion further by continuing to read. A good introduction will also offer a brief overview of your analysis, and inform the reader of your position in the debate.

Check The Numbers

Statistics, figures, and facts can all help to strengthen your argument and win the reader round, but it is essential that these are triple-checked. Also, make sure they are relevant and up to date.Any statistics should be from recent studies, and any sources quoted should not have been discredited or overtaken in their research. Using viable, strong supporting evidence helps to convince the reader that your side is the correct one.

One Point Per Paragraph

To help your essay have maximum impact, it is a good idea to stick to one point per paragraph to give the information a chance to breathe and allow you to explore your ideas without rushing or crowding. It also gives you time to present and explore evidence and data, and explain why these are relevant to your research.

End With A Bang

The conclusion is a vital part of a persuasive essay. It needs to summarise and offer an overview of all the points presented, and usually includes a call to action for the reader. It may urge them to take action, consider a cause, or support an argument. This should be a strong, memorable paragraph which leaves a lasting impact in the mind to the audience and persuades them that your side is the correct one to follow.

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Written by Nathaniel Fried

Co-founder of Fupping. Busy churning out content and building an empire.

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