
20 Priceless Tips For First Time Travellers To Israel

Israel might be tiny in size, but it can be very intimidating, especially for first-time visitors. Israeli society is very complex and not short of history, conflict, and culture. Don’t let this put you off, it is a truly amazing place and fascinating to explore and learn about. Here are 20 tips and tricks for first-time visitors to Israel.

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#1 Expose yourself to many perspectives

By far the mostΒ important tip is to expose yourself to many perspectives--particularly ifΒ your trip is via Birthright or other one-sided viewpoint. Go out and listenΒ to Israeli Jews and Palestinians. Visit secular and religious sites. SeekΒ out peace activists. Take the short bus ride from Jerusalem to Ramallah.Β Have a falafel in an Arab community like Gush Halav or East Jerusalem.Β 

You cannot have a real understanding of Israel without having encountersΒ with people who have been affected on all sides of the conflict. EmbraceΒ it. You'll have a much deeper and more memorable trip.Β 

On our first trip weΒ set up appointments ahead of time with leading figures in the IsraeliΒ Jewish peace movement and stayed in both a Palestinian village and anΒ Israeli West Bank settlement (as well as a Palestinian hotel in EastΒ Jerusalem and a Chassidic community of mostly formerly secular immigrantsΒ from the US.Β 

On our second trip (chronicled atΒΒ ), we stayed in a Druze village, had anΒ accidental encounter and interview with a villager forced from his home inΒ 1948 when he was 11, who was conducting a one-man Occupy movement in hisΒ native village (now a national park), and attended a concert with bothΒ Israeli and Palestinian performers, including a Chassidic rapper-rabbi andΒ a ten-year-old Bedouin boy.

Contributor:Β Shel HorowitzΒ 


#2 Be prepared for questions at the border

Be prepared for questions at the border - on arrival, but also,Β significantly, on departure when an immigration officer will go throughΒ your passport and ask questions. If you have any stamps from predominantlyΒ Muslim countries, be prepared to give approximate travel dates, who youΒ traveled with and whether you are still in touch with anyone from thatΒ country. It's all done in a friendly manner, so there is nothing to worryΒ about, but it helps to refresh your memory in advance.

Contributor:Β Jill Bowdery


#11 Start an exercise/walking program well before you travel

The Old City of Jerusalem, as well as many other ancient sites, often require a bit of walking to access. Many times, you will be on stone paths or other uneven walkways You'll be more comfortable if you've done some conditioning before you travel. We usually suggest that you've worked up to 40 minutes of walking at least 3 times a week.

Contributor:Β Debra RuzbasanΒ 


#13 Dress in layers

There are multiple climates in a relatively small country. You might start the morning with a Mediterranean coastal breeze, and then have a hot morning in the desert, and end the day at a higher altitude and cooler temperatures.

Contributor:Β Debra Ruzbasan


#18 Hire a private guide

Israel may be a small country, but it contains sacred sites for three majorΒ religions and has thousands of years worth of history. Hiring a guideΒ enhances your experience and makes the history come to life. If you areΒ interested in a specific religion or topic, a guide can tailor the tour toΒ your interests. If you don't know how to hire a guide- contact a travelΒ agent.

Contributor:Β Alexandra Stockton


#19 Don't skip Galilee

Many visit Galilee for a religious pilgrimage, but there are plenty ofΒ others reasons to visit this part of the country. The scenery isΒ breathtaking and there are some excellent wineries that are worth a visit.Β (Side note: Domaine du Castel outside of Jerusalem is also an excellentΒ winery to visit if you are interested in wine and don't have time to get toΒ Galilee).

Contributor:Β Alexandra Stockton


#20 Saying No: Do not be afraid to say No.

Unlike the US or EU, where people may hesitate to ask for help, Israelis rarely hesitate to ask for a favor. Although this may seem rude, it is just a different system. They see no harm in asking and are rarely too offended by a no.Β 

In fact, much of the local culture reflects Silk Route trading and merchant cultures, based on bargaining. The concept of not being ripped off, a sucker or frier is key. If you say yes too often, you won't be seen as nice, you'll be seen as a sucker. So, practice those no's!

Contributor:Β Kristina Barger

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Written by Nathaniel Fried

Co-founder of Fupping. Busy churning out content and building an empire.

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