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5 Ways To Make Your House Warmer In The UK This Winter

With increasing energy prices and drastic climate change, we could be heading for a very cold and expensive winter ahead. The average UK household spends around £10 per day heating their home, which quickly equates to £300 or as much as £500 per month.

Keeping your living space comfortably warm not only adds to your comfort but also helps in conserving energy and reducing heating bills.

From cutting out drafts, perfecting the layout in your home and making use of sunlight, here are five effective ways to make your house warmer during those frosty months.

1. Insulation Matters

One of the most effective ways to maintain warmth within your home is through proper insulation. Insulating your walls, attic, and floors helps trap heat inside, preventing it from escaping.

In the UK, many older homes lack adequate insulation, leading to higher energy consumption and colder indoor temperatures.

By adding loft insulation, cavity wall insulation, and underfloor insulation, you can significantly reduce heat loss and create a warmer environment. While the upfront cost may be a concern, the long-term energy savings and increased comfort make it a worthwhile investment.

It may also be worth checking your boiler and that it is working properly. You don’t want to find yourself in the middle of November with no heating or hot water. A simple boiler service costs around £70 to £100 or is included in your boiler cover or insurance. If you have not had an inspection in a year, this is likely overdue. Plus, if your heating is erratic or making clunky noises, it means your boiler might need to be replaced.

2. Double Glazing Windows

Windows are notorious for allowing heat to escape. Single-glazed windows, commonly found in older homes, provide minimal insulation. Upgrading to double-glazed or even triple-glazed windows can make a remarkable difference in retaining heat.

These windows have a layer of air or gas between the panes, acting as an insulating barrier against the cold. In addition to retaining heat, they also reduce external noise and condensation, enhancing the overall comfort of your living space.

3. Seal Cracks and Drafts

Tiny cracks and gaps around doors, windows, and other structural openings can lead to significant heat loss. The UK’s often windy weather can exacerbate drafts, causing your home to feel much colder than it should.

Inspect your home for any visible cracks or gaps and use weatherstripping, caulking, or draft excluders to seal them. Addressing these openings can prevent cold air from seeping in and warm air from escaping, resulting in a noticeable improvement in indoor warmth.

4. Use Thick Curtains and Rugs

Employing the right furnishings can contribute to a warmer ambiance within your home. Thick, thermal-lined curtains act as an extra layer of insulation, preventing heat loss through windows during the night. Keeping them closed during the evening and open during the day allows sunlight to naturally warm your living spaces. Additionally, placing rugs or carpets on cold floors can help insulate and retain heat, making rooms more inviting and comfortable.

5. Maximize Heating Efficiency

Efficient use of your heating system is paramount in maintaining warmth without overburdening your energy bills. Set your thermostat to a comfortable yet reasonable temperature, ideally around 18-21°C. Consider investing in a programmable thermostat that adjusts the temperature based on your schedule.

Zone heating, where you heat specific rooms as needed, can also help in targeting warmth where it’s most necessary. Regular maintenance of your heating system ensures it operates efficiently, so don’t forget to service it before the colder months arrive.

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Written by Marcus Richards

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