
How To Improve Ergonomics in Your Warehouse

Workplace ergonomics are extremely important to consider when improving worker health and safety. This is especially true in physically demanding worksites, such as warehouses.

If your warehouse does not prioritize ergonomics, your workers can suffer serious injuries. The most common are musculoskeletal injuries, some of which can cause chronic health issues that last for years.

If you’re proven responsible, this lack of care for your workers’ health can mean lawsuits and large settlements, which can take heavy tolls on your business. It’s best to avoid this entirely and improve ergonomics in your warehouse before someone gets injured—here’s how.

Store Items Consciously

When placing items on shelving, do so strategically. It is best to place frequently needed items on the shelves located between the average eye and waist level. This ensures most of your employees will be able to reach items without bending or straining.

Infrequently used items can go on high or low shelves. Always place heavy items on shelves below waist level. This prevents workers from straining unnecessarily.

Incorporate Assistive Technology

Incorporating assistive technology can reduce strain on your workers. Some good assistive devices to install include bubble wrap dispensers, self-leveling lift tables to keep the work at a comfortable height, and automated picking and packing technology.

Install Conveyor Systems

Conveyor systems are essential ergonomic devices. Conveyors can increase warehouse ergonomics in many ways, such as minimizing the number of heavy boxes workers need to carry. If set up correctly, they can also prevent workers from reaching, straining, and pushing heavy objects.

Installing conveyor systems is one of the best places to start if you’re looking to improve ergonomics in your warehouse. When installing these features, set them up for the average worker’s height—for maximum effectiveness, your staff should not have to bend or reach to obtain the items they need.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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