
Simple Ways To Keep Your Music Students Engaged

No matter what subject you teach, you’ll always run into the challenge of maintaining your students’ attention. It’s during these crucial moments when it’s vital that you keep motivating and pushing them forwards, especially as a music teacher. That’s because losing focus and hitting a plateau could be the point when many students quit and leave their music studies. As such, it’s on the teacher to help guide their students along. Find out the simple ways to keep your music students engaged.

Incorporate More Games

You have noticed your students coming into class with less excitement. You shouldn’t worry too much, as reaching the mid-lesson lull is normal. The focus here is to reignite your student’s passion for the subject material.

As such, consider incorporating a fun musical game to brighten their spirits and put them in the mood for more. For example, consider a game of music note twister where you use notes instead of colors to play the game.

Let Them Choose

A common instrument many parents enroll their kids in classes to learn is the piano, as it’s incredibly popular and easy to teach and learn. However, kids might not get excited about learning this instrument as they might have had no choice in the matter.

That’s why you might consider putting the control back into their hands which is a great way to help your students have more fun when learning the piano. As such, prompt them to choose the music they’ll learn for the week, like a current pop song or a favorite tune.

Keep Lessons Short

One of the simplest ways to keep your music students engaged is to keep your lessons short. Now you can’t do this all the time, but if the bulk of your lessons is quite long, you could switch it up a little now and then. Try to incorporate a mix of short and long lessons, which helps complement your students’ shorter attention spans.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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