
Equipment Maintenance Tips for Gardening Newbies

Even during the middle of the winter, it’s worth considering picking up a new spring hobby involving nature. If you’ve never tried growing fruits, vegetables, and flowers right in your backyard, the amount of relevant information involved in this process can seem overwhelming. Aside from soil, seed, water, weather, and region considerations, gardeners must properly understand how to care for their tools. Read on to learn some valuable equipment maintenance tips for gardening newbies.

Clean Your Hand Tools Every Time

The easiest way to slow down gardening hand tool wear and tear is by cleaning your equipment after every use. Moisture, dirt, and other debris are corrosive to metal surfaces when left alone, expediting the degradation process significantly. Luckily, cleaning these items is a quick, easy, and affordable task!

Cheap supplies, such as old rags, steel wool, large brushes, and water, are suitable for cleaning most messy tools. Keep this cleaning gear nearby in your shed, especially during peak gardening season in the spring. Don’t forget to clean your hose and nozzle, too—these items also get dirty, which can cause significant performance issues and even damage. Inspect your hose for debris if the nozzle stops working and fix it.

Sharpen Tools Annually

While hand tools require quick cleanings every single time you use them, you have to sharpen them only once a year. However, it’s essential that you don’t forget to do this, as dull equipment is much more likely to suffer damage and wear. Plus, dull tools are a safety hazard for yourself and others. You can order a sharpening device for yourself or drop your tools off at a local home and garden shop for professional service. Luckily, this process is also fast and affordable.

Oil Equipment Frequently

Oil helps maintain the functionality and condition of your tools’ mechanisms and components, so it’s essential that you apply this product to your equipment frequently. Oil can also enhance the performance and smoothness of operation and prevent your tools from rusting too quickly. It’s especially beneficial for smaller hand tools, such as pruning shears, spades, and trowels.

In fact, you should order garden tool-specific oil (mineral-based) and use it often throughout the spring. Additionally, consider storing your tools in a sand bucket with an oil product over the winter to keep them protected during inactivity.

By following these simple and affordable gardening equipment maintenance tips, newbies can become pros in no time! If you plan on pursuing more “green-thumb” activities moving forward, stock up on the necessary tools now to ensure you’re ready for the active season.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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