
Equipment You Need for Starting a Spray Foam Business

When starting a job as a spray foam contractor, you might feel like you need all the help you can get. From scheduling clients to preparing all the necessary equipment, there’s a lot to do to get your business up and running. Fortunately, we can provide this checklist of the key equipment you need when starting a spray foam business. Once you gather these materials, you’ll be one step closer to starting your service.

Equipment That Meets Your Needs

When starting your spray foam contracting business, it’s crucial to match your equipment with your applications and business needs. There are many distinct spray foam systems with different outputs and specialties. If you find yourself scheduling mostly smaller, residential jobs as you first start your business, a low-pressure or smaller spray foam system may be best for handling these small-scale jobs. However, if you start out by spraying larger commercial buildings and roofing, you’ll want a high-pressure system with a high output to keep up with your needs.

Proper Protective Gear

No spray foam contractor should start scheduling jobs without securing the right personal protective gear for themselves and their employees. Your spray foam team should always don the proper safety gear before starting any spray foam job. The equipment required for a safe contracting job includes safety goggles or glasses, a respirator or mask, heavy-duty gloves, a protective body suit for larger sprays, and the proper footwear. These articles will help protect you from fumes, stray foam, and debris that the installation process can produce.

Turnkey Spray Foam Rig

If you’re new to the spray foam market, you might not be familiar with turnkey rigs in the first place. However, if you’re well-versed in the contracting world, you’ll know that turnkey spray foam rigs are outfitted with all the equipment you need for a successful application job. Turnkey rigs contain everything from low-pressure and high-pressure systems to PPE and other accessories. Investing in a turnkey rig is a perfect strategy for beginner spray foam contractors who wish to purchase everything they need in one go. Learn more about what turnkey rigs are and their benefits.

Once you have the equipment items you’ll need for starting a spray foam business, you can start scheduling installation jobs. All you need is a little bit of marketing for your business, and soon you’ll have a full list of clients lined up for service.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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