
How To Improve Air Quality in Cleanrooms

Cleanrooms are essential for creating highly-sensitive products. Electronics, medications, and medical devices must undergo construction in sterile environments to remain free of contaminants. Every factor affects cleanliness, including air quality.

Controlling air conditions might be the most challenging part of maintaining a cleanroom. Learn how to improve air quality in cleanrooms to reduce impurities.

Use HEPA Filters

Every controlled environment needs an efficient HVAC system. Equip your units with a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter to remove contaminants. HEPA filters remove over 99 percent of particles. From mold spores to pollen, these filters can clear almost any type of airborne particle.

Look at a filter’s maximum-efficiency reporting value (MERV) to see if it will work for your needs. The higher the number, the better it will be at filtering out larger contaminants.

Don’t Obstruct Airflow

When designing a cleanroom, considering airflow is essential. Choosing a layout that obstructs the flow of air will kick up settled particles and contaminate your projects.

Cleanrooms should have vertical filtered airflow going toward floor-level air vents. Avoid blocking these vents with desks, cabinetry, and equipment. Airspeed also matters; uncontrolled turbulence will disturb the environment and lower air quality.

Wear Personal Protective Gear

Anything can contaminate a cleanroom. Even the most hygienic people bring in pollutants on their clothing, shoes, and personal items. Wearing personal protective gear will keep unwanted particles to a minimum.

Your hair and skin shed cells that will infect the environment. Wear hair covers, gowns, and shoe covers to minimize contamination. Avoid wearing makeup, perfumes, and other unnecessary accessories too.

Seal All Exits

If you want to improve air quality in your cleanroom, you should pay attention to your entryways. Dirty air replaces clean air every time you open an external door. While you can’t avoid this entirely, you can seal all your exits to prevent leaks.

You should also establish a protocol for entries and exits. Employees should close every door securely after opening. Try to reduce the time they open entryways to keep pollution at a minimum.

Consider hiring a professional to help rearrange and redesign your controlled environment for better air quality. After a few adjustments, your cleanroom will be pristine enough to handle the most sensitive projects.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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