
How To Make a Career in the Alcohol Industry

Are you the whiskey snob or amateur bartender among your friends? Take that passion for the perfect drink and make it into a profitable career.

We’re not talking about bartending here—we’re talking about how to make real money in one of the most lucrative industries in the world. According to some experts, the alcohol industry is entering a golden age of renewed popularity. Now is the time to get in on the action and make a career in the alcohol industry.

Increase Your Knowledge

Unfortunately, watching videos to learn new cocktails isn’t going to make you a beverage expert. Real knowledge comes from working in the industry, in as many parts of the business as you can.

Don’t try to learn from the comfort of your armchair. Get out there and work at a winery, take on a few bartending shifts, or ask for an apprenticeship at a nearby distillery.

If you really want to build a smart business or career plan, you need to understand every angle of the industry so that you can make smart decisions. Know what, where, why, when, and how people are drinking. Know how the industry is changing and what trends are about to take over.

Meet People

If you’re serious about working in the alcohol industry, you must make connections. Put yourself out there and talk to every bar owner, liquor store manager, and distillery operator you meet. Tell them your plans and ask their advice.

When it comes time to apply for the job you really want or find business partners for your new venture, your connections will help you big time. They might land you the job or let you in on opportunities the public doesn’t know.

Know Your Options

There are a lot of different ways to work in the alcohol industry, but not all of them make a lot of money. The difference usually boils down to location and expertise. You may need to relocate to be near the center of the industry. That plus a resume full of relevant experience will help you get where you want to be.

One of the most profitable ways to make a career in the alcohol industry is to start your own distillery or whiskey bar. This way, you have complete control over the finances and have a right to the lion’s share of the profits.

If you’re serious about booze, don’t just drink it—turn that passion into a real job that you’ll love and can make you money.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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