
Qualities of an Amazing Skincare Professional

Over the last few years, people have prioritized impeccable skincare. As this trend continues, people are becoming increasingly curious about the characteristics of an amazing esthetician. This makes sense. After all, we all want to know that we’re receiving the best quality service and skin care.

We’ve compiled a brief guide outlining the traits you should look for in a skincare professional. Hopefully, reading through it will help you make informed decisions about your skincare practices.

Excellent Customer Service

Excellent customer service is one of the things you should always look for in a skincare professional. Of course, this entails being polite and personable during initial greetings and transactions. But it also goes beyond that. Estheticians are often plucking, waxing, massaging, and cleansing your skin. To do this, they must work very closely with you.

If they don’t know how to make you feel comfortable, converse, or engage with you in a personable way, your overall experience with them might suffer. Plus, having a skincare professional that tries to get acquainted typically makes for a better experience. It also says a lot about your esthetician’s confidence level in what they’re doing.

Fantastic Time Management

Excellent customer service is only part of the equation. You should also ensure that the skincare professionals you work with have fantastic time management skills. This means they keep track of their appointments and the length of each scheduled treatment.

Moreover, it means that your esthetician has tools and resources to help them keep track of all these things. When your skincare professional doesn’t have great time management skills, it could lead to:

  • Appointment delays
  • Missed treatment times
  • Last-minute appointment cancellations

Professional skincare doesn’t come cheap. Plus, it’s a pretty significant time investment. Ensure that the esthetician you choose values your time and resources as much as you do.

Impeccable Cleanliness

Impeccable cleanliness is another trait you should look for in a skincare professional. As we briefly mentioned, estheticians are either waxing, plucking, massaging, or cleansing your skin. They often use various products, tools, and equipment to do this.

Because your skin is so sensitive, it’s crucial that the estheticians you work with use best practices concerning the cleanliness of their workstations and equipment. Paying attention to this will protect you and your skin from potentially harmful bacteria and other issues that result from a lack of cleanliness.

High-Quality Equipment

Lastly, ensuring that your esthetician uses high-quality skincare equipment is crucial. You can usually tell if the equipment being used is high-quality by evaluating if it’s:

  • Comfortable 
  • Supportive
  • Aesthetic
  • Durable 

In short, there are a few traits you should keep an eye out for when looking for an amazing skincare professional. Cleanliness, equipment quality, and time management are essential.

But truthfully, the most important thing is that your esthetician is a good fit for you. Be sure you get along well with them, and you’ll be fine!

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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