
How Drywall Professionals Can Improve Productivity

As a contractor, you’re trained to get the job done in the most effective ways possible while producing pristine results. Happy clients mean more business. More business means more money. In any business, upgrades are necessary to continue consistent success. Check out these ways drywall professionals can improve productivity.

Go Digital

Since the world has gone digital, it makes sense for your business to follow suit. Make the transition from paper to computer. Keep paper copies of the important documentation but perform all business transactions digitally.

Sending over a contract via email and having your client sign it immediately goes over smoother than sending it through the mail or having to meet up. Digital copies are safer too because you can automatically save and store them away in the cloud and back them up. After you both review the plans, the real work can start.

Perform Consultations

Review the work before beginning. All professional contractors do this because they can’t start a job without knowing the groundwork. Don’t let your years of experience stop you from performing this practice.

Survey the work you need to do and get a full rundown on the structure before you start the drywalling process. This gives you a preview of problems you might encounter while working. You’ll decide if the job is worth it and save yourself the trouble. There might be some major foundation issues.

Upgrade Your Tools

Depending on your years on the job, your tools have gone through some wear and tear. Make sure to maintain your tools and clean them properly after every job. Also, consider upgrading your tools.

Drywalling is a straightforward job, but there are always new tools coming on the scene to make the job easier. For example, if you want to consider yourself a pro, make sure you have an automatic taper in your repertoire.

Keep Communication Flowing

Keep communication constant with your clients and the rest of your team. You never want anything to get lost in translation, and you never want anyone to assume things when it comes to contracting projects.

Give your clients weekly updates on the work progress so that they know what to expect. If any problems pop up, you can warn them ahead of time. If the timeline gets pushed back, you want your clients to be aware of any changes.

Talk with your team as well. Check on their progress and make sure they always have a way to get in touch with you. Surprises happen on a job site often, so it’s important to keep everyone in the loop.

As a drywall professional, there are always new ways to improve and grow your business to increase productivity. Stay informed so you continue to see profitable results.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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