
5 Ways To Safely Organize Your Laboratory

Keeping things organized and safely stored is essential to working inside a laboratory. Depending on the type of service that some laboratories provide, the chemicals, devices, and products could be dangerous if coming into close contact with them without the proper protection. These ways to safely organize your laboratory will help you improve your best practices. New technologies develop daily in different sectors, some of which could aid others in the process.

1. Wash and Store

Washing thoroughly with soap and water is essential to prevent cross-contamination when preparing another liquid solution. Even the smallest particle can contaminate and ruin the results of an exam. It is also necessary to keep items stored away, preferably inside a cabin with glass doors to prevent misplacing or breaking them while still keeping them in sight.

2. Always Label Results

When a laboratory works simultaneously with many processes and results, it is easy to mix them or lose track of which one belongs to who. Labeling the results and products right when they are ready will prevent any of these problems. Assigning a location for specific results will keep things organized. Many labeling companies provide different sizes, strengths, and color labels so that you can find what you need efficiently.

3. Use New Procedures

New technologies also help industries organize and develop better practices. An encapsulating process with a product called RIM is right for you if you have sensitive equipment that needs extra protection from dirt or other chemicals while expanding its functionality. There are different items you can encapsulate with RIM if you want to take advantage of a highly effective, low-cost way of protection.

4. Manage Your Inventory

Keeping track of the number of items and products you have will ensure you maintain control over your inventory. Ordering spare items in case you need them or in case of an accident will help prevent future emergencies. Always keep items stored by groups, with a specific count on how many they are and easy access.

Keep Liquids Away From Computers

Laboratories rely greatly on software programs and computers to deliver results while also using liquids and experiments for tests. To organize your laboratory efficiently, you need to assign strategic locations that allow you to write down processes and results while you work on the experiments. If anything spills, you need to have towels and disinfectant-ready at any moment.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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