
The Need for Shopping Carts for People With Disabilities

There’s a huge need for grocery stores to accommodate people with disabilities. While equitable accommodations have certainly come a long way for the disabled, there is still work to be done. So what do we need to consider in terms of shopping carts for people with disabilities? Read on to find out. 

It Increases Customer Base

It’s a fact that people with disabilities have a hard time finding accommodations. This is even true in places that should require them. Because of this, your grocery store can fill a niche. A fleet of ten or fifteen motorized grocery buggies will help make your store accessible so that everyone can come and shop with you. If you aren’t accommodating your customers, then they’ll go elsewhere. In this case, creating handicap-accessible grocery carts or motorized buggies can greatly expand your customer base by opening you up to a whole new demographic. This is one of the many things to consider when outfitting your store with shopping carts

It’s Empathetic

Buying food is a necessity. You can’t live without it, so try and put yourself in your customers’ shoes. Imagine going to a grocery store only to realize that they don’t have the proper carts to accommodate you. The choices are bleak. You must either pay extra to get your groceries shipped, call someone else to shop for you, or spend precious gas money to drive to another store that will accommodate you. You have been permanently barred from an experience that should be a right for an entire demographic of people. This isn’t something you want to be responsible for if you can control it. 

It Increases Your Bottom Line

Accommodating an entire customer base has its benefits. As word-of-mouth spreads, people will be more likely to shop with you, helping your bottom line tremendously. In most grocery stores today, people have motorized carts to get around. You can see many people using them, especially in big retailers, highlighting the need for shopping carts for people with disabilities. They understand not just the empathetic need, but also the economic opportunity associated with accommodating an entirely new demographic. 

In short, grocery carts should accommodate people with disabilities. Beyond the fact that it helps those in need, it also highlights your brand’s humanity. This is a reward and one that we hope you’ll consider the next time you find yourself expanding your fleet. 

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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