
Different Water Treatment Methods To Use at Home

Water is essential for all life on Earth, but unfortunately, it can sometimes cause terrible illnesses. Water treatment is important for cleansing drinking sources and removing unpleasant tastes. How exactly can we treat water for larger applications, such as residential use? Here are three different water treatment methods to use at home if you need better drinking water.


Chlorinating water is an affordable and easy way to treat your home’s water supply. It’s most commonly used in developing countries but is effective at purifying water no matter the location. Diluted sodium hypochlorite solutions used for household applications are not the same as pool chlorine—this debunks the myth that chlorine water isn’t suitable for drinking.

Adding this chlorine solution to a water source completely eliminates pathogens that commonly cause diarrhea and other GI-related waterborne illnesses. Some people dislike the taste of chlorinated water, so this method isn’t always preferred in countries where other methods are available.

Water Conditioner

Water conditioning systems are the most popular form of household water treatment. Conditioner filters can remove toxins, chemicals, pollutants, and high amounts of chlorine, providing healthy and delicious water.

Additionally, water conditioners soften hard water by removing minerals like calcium and magnesium. Water softeners are less multi-faceted than conditioners, but they both use resin beads for softening. Hard water is a common issue for many households and can cause financial and health problems for residents.

Slow Sand

Slow sand filtration/treatment is applicable to both homes and larger water supplies. Water goes through a sand filter that effectively removes contaminants and moves throught the filter at a high rate, meaning you can supply water quickly in large quantities. Plus, it improves the visual appearance of water. Unlike chlorine, there are no solutions used for this process.

These different water treatment methods to use at home are applicable in all regions and offer people better quality drinking sources. If you’re in need of an efficient water treatment method, consult an expert to determine the best possible choice for your needs.

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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