
3 Top Tips for Better Thrift Store Finds

It doesn’t matter if you’re in the market for weird, eclectic clothing items or something more conservative—thrift stores have you covered, as long as you know what to look for. We share three top tips for better thrift store finds, so read on to discover how you can flaunt your style without breaking the bank.

Check the Condition

This tip is self-explanatory. Don’t purchase something that isn’t in wearable condition unless you know it’s not in wearable condition and you have a repair plan. A first glance isn’t always enough to tell you that an item is falling apart. You’ll probably come across many tops or bottoms that look great until you notice a gaping hole in them.

Inspect every inch of fabric, and test the piece by giving a gentle pull at the seams. If that causes any splitting, you know you’ll be in trouble wearing it on the street!

Show Up Early

Have you ever gone to a thrift store, looked around for an hour, and concluded that there was nothing there for you? It’s probably because the good stuff was already gone! Most thrift stores do their biggest restocks overnight, so all the best items are on the rack the next morning. Try to get to a thrift store right after it opens so that you can find the best pieces before they disappear.

Visit Thrift Shops on Vacation

If you’re anything like us, you’ve probably visited your local thrift stores a dozen times each. While there’s always the possibility that a dazzling new item will show up on familiar shelves, it’s more likely that you’ll keep seeing more of the same.

That’s why it’s always a good idea to visit thrift stores while you’re on vacation! You never know what outfits the locals have donated. You may discover that Floridian, Hawaiian, or Californian thrift shops fit better with your developing personal style.

Now that you know the three top tips for better thrift store finds, you can take your thrifting game to the next level and grab some sweet deals!

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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