
Ways To Ensure Your Fire Protection System Works Properly

What comes to mind when you think of fire protection? Most people think of a smoke detector or fire extinguisher. These are great things that can help save lives and property in the event of a fire. However, there’s more than just these two devices. Your building’s fire protection system is also responsible for keeping fires from spreading throughout your facility. Here, we’ll discuss some ways to ensure your fire protection system works properly. If an emergency does happen, you’ll be ready. 

Know the Basics of Fire Protection Systems 

There are two types of fire protection systems: manual and automatic. A manual system requires a person to activate the sprinklers by pulling a lever or removing a pin from them. An automated system, on the other hand, starts by itself whenever there is smoke or a fire inside the building. Either way, you’ll have access to dry powder when it comes time to put out any fires. Knowing this information will enable you to keep your system functioning as it should.

Carry Out Periodic Inspections 

One of the most obvious ways to ensure your fire protection system works properly is by conducting periodic inspections of your facility’s various components and systems. These can include routine visual inspections, monitoring of temperatures, and testing your fire protection systems. These are all great ways to keep fires from occurring in the first place as well. By conducting monthly visual inspections on critical components like heat detectors, you’ll be able to spot any issues that could lead to a fire before it happens. All your fire protection systems should undergo testing at least once a year. You can do this by yourself or with help from professionals depending on the complexity of your system. If you decide to do things on your own, you must know how to troubleshoot common backflow preventer issues. This way, you won’t spend hours looking for a solution.

Train Employees on Fire Prevention 

Along with having well-functioning systems, it’s essential to have employees who know how to use them correctly in case of an emergency. All staff members should be familiar with evacuation procedures, where all the exits are, and how to operate fire extinguishers effectively. This way, everyone in the facility can act quickly and efficiently to minimize property damage.

It can help to give your team a quick refresher on fire safety every few months so that any new people who have not had training on these topics are fully aware of what they need to do. Educating employees on your fire protection system can also enable them to check that it works correctly. There’s no telling when an emergency will happen, so it’s better to be safe than sorry. 

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Written by Emma Radebaugh

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